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A Simple Hanson Site was originally created in March of 1998. In November of 2000 it was updated after being idle for some time, as well as transferred from America Online to Angelfire. This is an American fan website.

During your visit to this site you will not find any Hanson fiction or pictures pages. No horoscopes or facts on each of the guys. Definitely no rumors or dreams. None of the fluff you'll find on most of the other sites. Just real basic Hanson stuff. Hopefully intelligent, informative, and simple.

For pictures, video clips, updates, and other cool Hanson stuff, visit Hansonline, their official website.

While all Hanson fans are welcome to A Simple Hanson Site, I hope to never encourage or entertain any obsessed behavior whatsoever.

And remember: this site is only a place in which I express my thoughts and opinions on Hanson and their music and let fans know about Hanson's achievements and updates on planned appearances. I'm in no way connected with whatever the heck their record company's name is, I am not a friend of the Hanson family, am not personally acquainted with their manager, and lastly, I don't claim to know any of their neighbors or cousins.

A Simple Hanson Site... Simple, because obsession isn't funny.

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