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Kevin Rupture - Vocals
Lange Release - Bass
Chico Rupture - Guitars and vocals
Chris Hermans - Drums

Back in the days when the long island hardcore scene began its decline into the bowls of eternal trendy-ness, and corporate interest was certainly right around the corner.., CATCH AND RELEASE was formed to quell the fears of those who still believed in our cause, to re-assure that all future hardcore and punk rock bands on Long Island could have the option to join us in our mission.. We were by far no driving influence to anyone else due to our low state of popularity, but just being a part of the scene and having a sense of purpose and integrity was all we needed...

CATCH AND RELEASE ended a couple of years ago and we all went our seperate ways... in the summer of 99, we decided that it was time to get things rolling again, but this time, drummer Rocky bailed on us.. so we were back to square one. A short time passed until Chico and Lange, with our nefound singer Kevin found Drummer Chris--- and RUPTURE was formed!

Not much to say about rupture yet, it has been less than a year since we started and only about 6 months of doin shows... it seems as though the hardcore scene out here has been cleansed but with the rebirth of the scene comes lack of participants... so LETS FUCKING GET IT GOING THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE AND ALWAYS KEEP THE FUCKING FAITH!!!!