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Natalie Anne

Once upon a time there was a very average looking girl. She lived in a medium sized city in a normal-sized house. She liked to read, watch movies, listen to music and play with her two glorious dogs. One day this girl went to college. She met many strange people. One day another girl asked her to join

"What is that?"The young girl asked.

"It is a website where you can join groups and see people from your university, its way sweet."

"Ah, I must join this."

But when our young lady joined she realized that she must have a website or blog... So she created two blogs. The first was too plain so she went to another site and found that that too was much like oatmeal. What should I do? Then the small singing forest animals told her - she must return to a long-neglected website on angelfire. It seemed all her problems would be solved but, alas, it no longer existed so she set out on an incredible journey to create one and so,,, this website was born