A Word From Jello:


Hi everybody,

A long time ago I started this web-site for the band. Mainly I did it for selfish reasons (to quell my boredom at work) but lately it has been done out of joy for what I believe has turned into a decent web-site. But, all though I do it for joy, I still update it only when at work. I tell you this, to inform you that as of today (Wednesday, May 9th), I no longer will be employed at my college computer lab-monitoring job. And since I have not yet found a job to replace college (now that I'm graduating on May 20th) this site might not get updated all that frequently as it has in the past. Anyway my last scheduled update will occur (or did occur depending on when you are reading this) on Monday, May 14. At that time I will post the winner of Rapskalion Survivor, and then I will never set foot in this crappy lab again.

Now, let's move on to a new topic. I am proud to announce that almost everyone with a page featuring them has a biography now. Beantown officially has her own page (Hi Breadmaster, no harm no foul). There is a poll on the Fuckin' Sailor's page, I suggest you check it out if you haven't. There is a new "A word from Jello Link" where I will post updates on pages so you don't actually have to look through all of them to find what's new. And finally and most importantly there are two more things of note to mention. We received our first visitor to the page that isn't either a member of the band or an acquaintance to the band. So check out the Guestbook. Also linked to that, go to yahoo, and in the search type in "Rapskalion", because we have a link now.

catch you all later,

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