A Word From Jello:


Hi everybody,

Ok, the site is back up, and updated too. I'd like to thank the three people who said that they wanted the site back. I would also like to give a big finger to the three people who were happy to see the site go. Oh and to the one guy looking for the midget porn, you need help.

So here are the updates. Mr. Bryan Flaherty now has a small page dedicated to him on the Rapskalion Is page. Also Rastiss and Breadmaster each had a picture added to their respective pages. Also when on the Rapskalion Is page, check out the Group Photos, a set of pictures from The Living Room has been added. Probably the biggest update is on The Music page. Selected Music Lyrics have been added. Here you can find the lyrics to several of Rapskalion's songs. Also when reviewing what is on each tape that Rapskalion has or has had available, you can click directly on the song title and go straight to the lyrics for that song. One of the last additions is just below this letter, as you can see there is a new poll for you to take part in, so have fun, and be honest. Finally, many props Jimmy B, the additions you have made to our sister site, rapskalion.com (The one with Flash), are extraordinary. And, since I feel it deserves to be noticed, if you go to the Links page you will see a link fitting of its greatness.

Well, those are all the updates. And as soon as Jimmy B posts some more stuff on his page, I'll get cracking on stealing it for mine.

Catch you all later,

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