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You're the One - by Randy Rocket

You're the One

- Words and Music Copyright 2006 by Randall Alan Fultz.

Who is the One that whispers a song of love to me?
Who knows my darkest secrets, yet still believes in me?
Who understands my problems, and meets me on my knees?
Oh, You're the One, my Jesus, I believe! (Chorus)

You're the One - who lives eternally
You're the One - whose Spirit lives in me
You're the One - who sacrificed Your life on calvary
Oh, You're the One who saves me,
and You're the One who'll raise me
Yes, You're the One, my Jesus, I believe!

Who hears me when I cry out, and listens to my pleas?
Who binds up all the wounded, and sets the Spirit free?
Who made the sky above us, and Earth beneath our feet?
Oh, You're the One, my Jesus, I believe! (Chorus)

Who is this Man of wonders, of miracles and peace?
Who walks upon the waters, and makes the blind to see?
Who is this Man of sorrows, who died between two thieves?
Oh, You're the One, my Jesus, I believe! (Chorus)

"Now many will hear of the wonderful things He has done for me, & put their trust in Him"(Ps 40:3)
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