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The Peace of Jesus - by Randy Rocket (Randall Alan Fultz)

The Peace of Jesus

- Words and Music Copyright 2000 by Randall Alan Fultz.

I seek the peace of Jesus Christ
Now in the midst of trials and strife
On hurried days, through worried nights
I need you, Lord, to change my life (with) (Chorus)

The Peace of Jesus, Je-e-sus,
I need the Prince of Peace to rule my restless heart

The storms of life blow all around
Yet in You, Lord my hope abounds
You still the winds, You calm the seas
The peace You give, You give to me (Chorus)

Upon the cross You died for me
To gain the greatest victory
The shame and sin You bore for me
The punishment that bought my peace (Chorus)

"Now many will hear of the wonderful things He has done for me, & put their trust in Him"(Ps 40:3)
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