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No Excuse - by Randy Rocket

No Excuse

- Words and Music Copyright 2001 by Randall Alan Fultz.

Later, when I grow up, and I've had my fun
I'm gonna give my life to God.
After I have sown all my wild oats,
Then I'll make the time for God. (Chorus)

Oh, but that's no excuse for turning
And rejecting the gift God gives -
The sacrifice made by Jesus
He died so you might live.

If you take the good and bad things that I've done
And put them all up on the scales
Won't it balance out so that God lets me in?
Won't the good I've done prevail? (Chorus)

What about all of the Church atrocities?
The Inquisition and Crusades?
Sponsored by the Church and in the Name of God?
Isn't that an awful shame? (Chorus)

All those Churches have so many hypocrites
Whose words and lives are not the same.
All they want is money and to run my life.
I want to live my life, my way. (Chorus)

"Now many will hear of the wonderful things He has done for me, & put their trust in Him"(Ps 40:3)
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