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The Last Day - by Randy Rocket

The Last Day

- Words and Music Copyright 2000 by Randall Alan Fultz.

People risin' when the Sun starts shinin',
Think today is just another day
Early mornin', getting' up, get goin'
Drinkin' coffee just to start their brain

People hurry, people rush and scurry
To make money they will never spend
What would they say if they knew the truth
That today the whole World will end (Chorus)

Welcome to the Last Day of Time
It's too late now to change your mind

Like the lightnin' flash from East to West
Is the comin' of the Lord, they say
We will stand before the Throne of Judgement
We will see the truth as clear as day

Every one of us will give an accounting
For every word we've ever said
All the Angels of the Host of Heaven
Separate the sheep and goats, today (Chorus)

As it was in the time of Noah,
So it will be on that final day
Two men standin' in the fields working
One's left behind, one is gone away

The Sun will darken and the stars of Heaven
Will be fallin' from the sky that Day
There will be a mighty trumpet callin'
So get ready, now, watch and pray (Chorus)

"Now many will hear of the wonderful things He has done for me, & put their trust in Him"(Ps 40:3)
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