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  What's in a Name? - an Article by Randy Rocket (Randall Alan Fultz)


Copyright 2000 by Randall Alan Fultz.

      Jesus, Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ...

     Stop now.    Wait a moment.    Did you skim quickly over that name?     (You've probably read it at least a thousand times before).    Read it over again, and this time think about what you're reading.

     Jesus, Jesus Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ...   

     What does the Name of Jesus mean to you, personally, as a Christian?    What do you first think of?    What is the initial thought, impression or feeling entering your mind when you read or hear the Savior's Name spoken aloud?

     Now I suspect that your desire as a redeemed and reborn believer is similar to mine: that you first and foremost want to be a true lover of Christ.    Not a lover in the soiled, sordid, worldly sense of the word - that shadowy, counterfeit caricature of current popular opinion that our American society recurrently thrusts upon us - but a lover in a deep, genuine, spiritual way.

     This might be better described as one day finding that you are completely unable to see, hear or even think about Jesus' Name without responding by experiencing fond recollections of Him whom you love above all others; a love resounding deep within your heart.    Jesus - the Name of the One "who loved you and gave Himself for you" 1

     Now am I describing some rapturous, ecstatic, or even semi-romantic kind of response?    Is this reply strangely ethereal, metaphysical, cosmically weird or spooky?    Not in the least.    What I am intending to communicate is that there ought to be a quick responsive flash of joy (or rejoicing) - a breath of fresh life, an enduring thankfulness, a bottomless and vibrant appreciation for the Name of our Beloved.   This perfect and glorified Son of Man, the Bridegroom of our souls, who alone loves each one of us perfectly and absolutely unconditionally - the unplanned, spontaneous response of love, birthed from our understanding that He loves us completely.   Why, He loves us even with His full knowledge of every specific detail of our past, present (and future) failures, and all of our most shameful, sinful thoughts, impurities and inadequacies!

     Think back with me once again to that initial response you had upon your first encountering the Name of Jesus at the beginning of this article.   (If you are at this moment in a place where you may take advantage of a short break, then please pause for a few moments to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart to understand, and then allow yourself to be candid and honestly blunt with yourself).

     Now, what was your initial response?   Did you rejoice at the mention of His Name, or do you maybe even now feel a little twinge of regret if your first response was somewhat distant or detached from the realization and awareness of the incredibly magnificent and wonderful Person that Jesus is to you?    Well, for better or for worse, we all become desensitized and callused towards the familiar in every area of our lives.    It is an inescapable and entirely normal response, and one of the most regrettable shortcomings of our fallen human condition.

     Reconsider the youthful and unspoiled spark of spontaneity behind a child's quick responsiveness.    Just the mere mention of any words or phrases like; "birthday party", "Christmas", or "Disneyland" will almost certainly bring forth a smiling, jubilant response from a child.    This openness and reckless abandon to such open expressiveness we now remember vaguely or wistfully from our more "mature" vantage point.   And it comprises for many of us who are adults a certain secret place or private state that we one day aspire to regain.    Why, even Jesus told us that we need to all be like children to enter the Kingdom of God...and He was clearly talking about our attitudes towards God, not our chronological age or maturity level.   Perhaps He was even alluding to our abilities for spontaneous appreciation and spiritual responsiveness to Him.  

     Now take a quantum leap forward with me a full generation, and call to mind that romantic responsiveness you showered upon your new spouse shortly after your honeymoon.   Compare it now with your present responses.    Ponder your current level of excitement over knowing the King of the Universe, as compared to buying last year's new car, a new boat, RV, or house.    Re-examine your past delights resulting from last year's job change, promotion, award, or raise at work.

     Is the thrill gone or the "zip" strangely absent?    Have you been somehow robbed of the joy, exhilaration and the full awareness or appreciation of these one-time wondrous pleasures in your life?    Have they slowly been relegated from center stage of your heart's spotlight?    Have they left behind only a few dim embers glowing in the back corners of your memory that remind you of those once all-consuming fires?     Where is that sense of glorious exhilaration and where are those great promises of hope and love?   

     Our nihilistic society would speak up to state that they have now lost their value, that they have become antiquated and passe, that they should be tossed out or recycled in order to be replaced with new, up to date, fresh substitutes.     In this dark light of reasoning they are considered to be wholly worthless, the former experiences or persons that once held meaning in our lives that must now be cast aside in order to serve the far greater good of our selfish growth as individuals.

     But is this God's way?    Does it in any way represent His true and accurate basis of value, or display the enduring devotion which He so lavishly bestows upon those whom He treasures and loves?    Are we not to love Him, with all of our Heart, Mind, Soul and Strength?    After all, He first loved us...

     The Scripture says; "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever". 2      So, God does NOT change His mind (or His love) regarding you!    This is GREAT NEWS!   But, can you tick Him off?  (Yes, undoubtedly).    Can you grieve His Holy Spirit by continuing in willful disobedience or sin?  (Yes).    Can you break His heart with your actions and your behavior towards Him or towards the other people whom He also made and loves - both Christian and non-Christian? - (I believe so).    But can you, by anything you could ever do, get Him to stop loving and caring about you...?   NEVER!

     It seems true that God doesn't change (or change His mind or His heart) like a mere man who is wrapped up in the struggles of life - overcome by the passion of the moment, or blinded by deceptive pride or self-importance.    We are blown about by any number of the prevailing winds of our peer groups and culture.   We can simply reach a point where we are beyond weary.   We stop trying and flat give up.    But God never does!

     The Lord, above all, is faithful!    "If we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself." 3       So what does this mean?    Just this; that we have been graciously given an everlasting and inexhaustible love that will forever be our enduring inheritance from God - a love which comes to us only on the basis of His grace.    This love is a free, God-given gift which results from our personal trust and the genuine life-transforming faith is that which we have found in Jesus Christ.

     It is this faith in Jesus Christ that saves us.    It is the teachings of Jesus that both feed us and continue to shape us to conform into His likeness.   It is the genuine love of Jesus that comforts, builds and heals us, and then compels us to reach outward and gladly share the hope of His Gospel with others.      It is the hope and the vision of our place in eternity in Heaven, being forever in the presence of Jesus, that powerfully sustains and helps us to persevere in the midst of the many heart-wrenching trials we unavoidably face while running the course of this earthly life.

     Still, it is the Name of Jesus - that wonderful and precious Name above all Names - THE Name that will one day cause every being throughout the universe to kneel and confess the undeniable fact that He alone is Lord over all creation.   It is the Name of Jesus that will bring great honor, praise and glory to God our Father!

     Think of His Name.   Whisper His Name quietly to yourself in the middle of a crowd.    Boldly Speak His Name over your family and friends, over your Church and pastor, and over the present circumstances of your life.    Shout His Name aloud among the rolling hills and from the highest rooftops.    Pray His Name in the simplest of words and even with the most profound wisdom by way of the Holy Spirit's deep and heartfelt groanings.    Tenderly speak His Name as the ever-faithful and true, devoted Lover of your soul...

    "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." 4

     Claim the timeless words of faith written by the imprisoned Apostle Paul when he said; "...Because I know whom I have believed, I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him for that [last] day".5

     Be reassured that Jesus will always live up to His Name!    Rejoice anew in the glorious splendor of His presence.   Bask in the warmth and the brilliance of His love.   And let your heart again leap within you for Joy - the joy, the wonder and delight to be found abundantly and always - in Jesus' Name!

Scripture References:

1  Galatians  2:20
2  Hebrews  13:8
3  2 Timothy  2:13
4  Psalm  37:46
5  2 Timothy  1:12

Copyright 2000 by Randall Alan Fultz.

"Now many will hear of the wonderful things He has done for me, & put their trust in Him"(Ps 40:3)

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