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Poseur. Logo

Stuff About the Band

cheeseball with nuts
8 ounces stilton or other blue cheese, rind removed, at room temperature
8 ounces cream cheese at room temperature
2 tablespoons tawny port
1/4 teaspoon fresh black pepper
1 cup walnuts
crackers and fresh, ripe pears for serving

in a medium bowl, mash the stilton and cream cheeses until smooth. work in port and pepper. place a piece of plastic wrap on work surface and scrape cheese into center. use wrap to form a ball. refrigerate overnite. remove ball from plastic and roll in walnuts. serve with crackers and pears.

cheeseball band with nuts
1 mark
1 jim
1 maurice

place mark on guitar, jim on bass/lead vocals, and maurice on drums. serve with 80's tunes, on stage.

                                   jodi lynn of wtf designs is the official webmistress and band slut

where poseur. is playing
poseur. pictures.
Linkage and Other Crap