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Poseur. Logo

Stuff About the Band
  A Brief History: The origins of Poseur can be traced to the late 80’s when Mark Cote’ & Maurice found a common bond in playing beer pong and listening to hair bands. The two went on to form the cover band Cheap Shots that played around the Buffalo area until the early 90’s (when they graduated and had to get real jobs). After moving back to Rochester, Mark fell into a gig in Rochester with Jim Whitaker’s band Belfast.  After producing 1 album & several years of playing together, the members of Belfast decided to throw in the towel. Mark & Jim then went on to enlist the talents of a drummer  & a bass player and knocked off a couple of local gigs. The decision was then made to have a go at it as a trio & Jim switched the being the vocalist & the bass player. A few more jobs were played & then the whole project ended up being shelved for a while.

Well like the old saying goes, what comes around goes around. In late 2000, Jim received a call from Mark stating that Mo was moving back to NY and that the time was right to dust off the instruments & put together the 1980’s cover band from hell. Rehearsals started in January ‘01 and the lineup played it's first ‘jobbity job’ in March... Now you can catch the band all over the Rochester & Buffalo NY area. Pretty cool eh? The band has now broadened it’s set list to include a bunch of high-energy alternative rock covers as well. No two Poseur shows are ever alike.

So, what the heck is a
Poseur anyway? That’s the question most often asked of the band. Well Poseur was named after a bunch of the bands that existed in the 1980’s. A lot of 80’s bands were labeled as posers as they were more concerned with how they looked than how they played. It just so happens that Poseur covers a bunch of these tunes so it just seemed to fit.



Where Poseur is Playing
Pictures. Duh!
Linkage and Other Crap