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Scene 8

Opens- It's just beginning to get dark and music booms from the Funfair.

Katy:		Aaron, will you go on the Rollercoaster with me? It looks so cool!
Aaron:		(Taking her hand) Sure.  Meet up with you guys in an hour?
Laura:		Sure thing.  Come on, the rest of you.   Let's go check out the arcade
		(They walk away.  Katy and Aaron head over towards 'The Thing', one
		of the scariest rides in the park.  There isn't a queue yet as it's early
		evening and the crowds haven't built up yet.  They hop straight onto
		the ride, right in the front seats)
Katy:		Apparently, the drop is almost will be like when I went on
Aaron:		Huh? Oh yeah...I remember, we went on that didn't we? When I came
		over to England that other time.
Katy:		Yeah...That was just the best...(The ride starts and she slips her
		hand into his.  She screams her head off as they shot around the track. 
		It seems to last for ages but the car finally comes back towards the 	
Aaron:		Oh man!...that was scary! I wouldn't have gone on it for anyone but
		you, Katy.
Katy:		Hey...I thought it was brilliant! I'm kinda sad that it's over but...(The
		car doesn't stop and goes to go around again)  Um...not that I'm
saying 		I want to go around again.  Um..hello? Shouldn't this be stopping now?
Aaron:		Yeah...and I don't remember it going this fast either! 		
		(They start to go around the track again even faster and they both 	


Donna:		(Looking up, to Scott) Oh! I'm just going to take a picture of Katy
		and Aaron on that ride otherwise nobody will ever believe that they 	
		went on it.
Scott:		Ok, I'll come with you.  See you others inside. (The others go into
		the arcade.  They walk up to the ride and Donna aims at a part of the
		track and waits for the car to reach it)  
Donna:		Wow! That ride is going fast! Ah look! There they are!
Scott:		(Laughs) Oh man, that looks scary.
Donna:		(Seriously) Yeah...actually they look really scared...a little too 	
Scott:		(Frowning) Should it be going round that many times?
Donna:		They have been on it a while...
Scott:		Something's not right.
Donna:		Is it getting faster...or is it just me?
Scott:		(Beginning to run towards the control box) I'm not sure...
		(He approaches the box and leans over the bottom part of the 	
Scott:		Oi! Is it suppo...Donna!
Donna:		(Running over) What? (Sees the controller unconscious) Oh
		my god.
Scott:		(Hopping over the door) We've gotta stop that thing!
Donna:		But how! Press the stop switch!
Scott:		Um...I think we kinda need to slow it down first, otherwise they'll be
		thrown off the we don't want to stop them on the upside
		down loop...
Donna:		Yeah, yeah whatever.  Just hurry up!
Scott:		I kinda don't actually know HOW to slow it down...
Donna:		Just try some switches!
Scott:		Which ones??!!
Donna:		I don't about this one! (Hits a button and music begins
		to play.  They both jump out of their skins) Oh shit! How 	
		about...(Looking about)...this one! (Hits another button. 
		They hear a creaky noise and Scott leans out of the control box and
		looks up at the track)
Scott:		You did it! It's slowing down!
		(They dash to the car and go up to Katy and Aaron in it, who both look
		incredibly ill)
Donna:		Are you guys ok?
Aaron:		(Standing up wobbily)  Eurgh...just about.  (Turning to Katy,
		holds out his hand) Are you ok?
Katy:		(Still crying) I think I'm gonna spew.  I'm sure the ride was not 	
		supposed to do that. (Takes Aaron's hand and climbs out groggily
		and they walk back out)
Scott:		You bet it wasn't! We found the Controller knocked unconscious.
Aaron:		You mean...
Donna:		It was sabotaged!
Katy: wonder I feel so ill.  I feel really dizzy...can I sit down?
		(Katy slumps to the ground.  The others sit down next to her.  They see
		Dave, Bob and Laura dash over to them)
Bob:		Oh my god! What's wrong?
Aaron:		Someone sabotaged the ride...It just kept going round faster and faster.
Katy:		Now I feel even worse...I think we were going at the speed of light 	
		back there.
Dave:		(Concerned) That must have been awful.
Laura:		Are you guys hurt?
Aaron:		We're Ok...(Looks at Katy) Just about.
Scott:		Yeah...thanks to us.
Donna:		(Looks at him, eyes wide) Ahem! Me you mean! I pressed the 	
Scott:		It was just a lucky guess!
Donna:		Well at least I pressed a just stood there like a prick!
Bob:		That's nothing out of the ordinary!
Katy:		Excuse me...I just nearly died.. I don't care who pressed the button I'm
		just glad they did or I wouldn't be here anymore!
Donna:		That's ok.
Laura:		Um look a right state! Your hair is a right mess!
		(Everyone turns to look at Laura)
Laura:		What!
Dave:		Did you miss the whole thing about her almost dying?!
Scott:		Look guys...why don't we go and do something to try and get our 	
		minds off of this?
Bob:		That's probably a good idea.
Katy:		I'm not going on any more rides!
Donna:		Yeah well, why don't we go and check out the maze?
Laura:		Yeah...that sounds cool.
Aaron:		I'm not sure...are you Ok with that Katy?
Katy:		I guess so.
Dave:		Yeah...we can have a race to get out first!
		(They walk towards the maze)
Scott:		I'll win easy!
Bob:		No way man... I'll kick your ass!
Dave:		No... I'm gonna win!
Donna:		No I'm gonna whip your arse, guys!
Katy:		Umm.. I don't really wanna go by myself after the whole ride thing.. I
		still don't feel too good.
Aaron:		Well you can stay with me then... We'll still beat them all!
Dave:		(wiggling his butt)  You better get used to the sight of this cos its
all 		you'll be seeing!
Laura:		Yeah cos it's so big! (everyone but Dave laughs)
Dave:		(annoyed) That's not what I meant.
		(They arrive at the entrance to the maze)
Laura:		See you on the other side guys! (She runs into the maze)
Bob:		Ha! Not if I see you first! (Runs after her)
Katy:		Come on Aaron, I'm not going to let them beat us! (They run into
		the maze together)
Scott:		(Kissing Donna)  Be careful.
Donna:		I'd better hurry up coz I got you beat! (Runs into the 	
Dave:		What the hell are you waiting for? The last one home has to buy us all
		dinner tonight! (Runs into the maze and Scott follows.  After a bit,
		everyone is incredibly lost)
Laura:		Guys? I'm so lost...someone please give me a hint.
Bob:		(Yells from other side) are way out of it!
Laura:		(Sarcastically)  Thanks Bob, but that's not very useful.
Aaron:		(Yells from totally different direction)  I'll give you a hint...don't
		come anywhere near us! We're lost as hell!
Donna:		(From nearer Laura)  I'm almost there! I got you beat Scott.
Scott:		(From behind Laura)  Yeah got me!
Dave:		Nope!  I'm gonna win!
Laura:		Guys...I'm still lost here can me!
Katy:		(Yells, panicing)  Laura? Laura! Are you Ok?  Oh my god...
Bob:		Somebody help her!
		(Blood curdling screams come from one area of the maze)
Donna:		(Frantically turning corners to try and find her)  Laura! Can 	
		anyone find her? We have to find her!
Aaron:		Laura? Answer me?!
		(It goes quiet for a while until Dave breaks the silence) 
Dave:		Oh my god!
Scott:		What? (Coming around a corner and seeing Dave bending over
		Laura)   Shit!
Bob:		What? Will you guys tell us what is wrong?
Dave:		(Shakily) Laura's dead.
Katy:		(Gasps) No! Not Laura!
Donna:		Guys, listen...let's get out of here as soon as we can...where is 	
Aaron:		(Hopping onto the trunk of a bush to look over the top)  Guys, 	
		we're over here.
		(After a bit, everyone manages to meet up.  Dave is slightly 	
Dave:		Oh my god...she was just lying there...and she had this slash...right 	
		across her...face...and there was all this blood...
Scott:		(Putting an arm around him)  Hey man, it's Ok...let's get outta 	
Katy:		But should we just leave her in there? Shouldn't we tell someone?
Bob:		What difference will it make? They still won't be able to find the freak
		who's doing this.
Donna:		I just want to go back to the caravans...we can phone the police on the
		way (Waves her mobile phone about) I have a phone.
Aaron:		Ok...let's go.
Bob:		Donna, give me your phone...I'll call them.
		(They head out of the theme park and Bob tries to use Donna's 	
Bob:		Um...Donna?  You're phone isn't working...the line's dead.
Donna:		What? No it's not.  It was working fine earlier.
Dave:		Maybe your battery is dead.
Katy:		Well let's hurry up and get back to the caravan site so that we can use
		the pay phone then.

Scene 9
Fright Night 2 index