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Scene 7

Donna:		Guys! Are you alright?
		(They approach the hut and yank the door open.  Scott puts an arm
		across the door, stopping them from coming in and pushes them 	
Scott:		Don't...let's just go back to the van, Ok?
Dave:		What! We heard Bob scream.
Bob:		(Coming out of the door) I'm alright...let's just go Ok?
		(Scott, Bob and Aaron leave the hut.  Katy runs after Aaron)
Katy:		(Slipping her hand into his) Aaron? What was it?
Aaron:		(Grudgingly) Um...a body.  There's a dead body in there.
Laura:		(Over hearing) What! Who?
Bob:		(Turning around angrily) We don't know.   
Scott:		Well...if you would call it a dead body...there was just a black skirt and
		a green shirt left.
Donna:		(Putting a hand to Scott's shoulder) Scott, there's something else
		isn't there?		
Scott:		(Softly) There was a bottle too.
Donna:		What do you mean?
Aaron:		A Vodka bottle.
Katy:		(Turning to Donna)  Oh my god! You don't think that... 
Donna:		Well...that's what...she was wearing that night.
Laura:		What? Who? 
Dave:		(Glaring at Katy and Donna) You can't be serious, it couldn't be.
Laura:		Will someone tell me what y'all talking about?!
Bob:		But...It can't be her because I killed her...ah, no actually...Clint did.
Laura:		What the hell are you talking about? Clint? Who the hell is Clint?
Bob:		Clint's my...or was my twin brother.  He killed me last year and then
		killed himself.
Scott:		You mean, he tried to kill you, Bob.  You're hardly dead, are you?!
Bob:		(Thoughtfully) I'm not so sure sometimes.  This sure seems like hell
		to me.
Dave:		Crap! This holiday is turning into a nightmare!
		(They all get into the van.  They travel back in silence not knowing 	
		what to say.  Later on, they arrive back at the caravan site.  They all
		go into the boys caravan)
Katy:		What the frick are we going to do now?
Aaron:		I want to find out who the hell thinks it's funny to do this to us again!
Donna:		Maybe we should just go home.  I don't think it's wise to stick around
Laura: someone tell me everything about last year.
Scott:		Well, Bob...Clint...ummm... let's just say some people ended up dead..
Dave:		I got pushed out of a window and I almost died!
Katy:		Well I almost got burnt...and I hurt my leg...and I nearly got stabbed!
Aaron:		Well, I DID get stabbed!
Donna:		And I almost got crushed by the crumbling roof!
Scott:		Well, Bob tried to strangle me to death! And...
Laura:		What! (Looks at Bob uncertainly) You did all that? 
Bob:		But...but it was Clint as well.  (Smiles triumphantly) But I'm not
		ill anymore...all the doctors said I'd done really well since then to 	
		recover so quickly.
Laura:		(Unsure) Ok...
Dave:		Well...anyway, at least we know that this time round it isn't Bob...and
		Clint's dead.
Katy:		So who does that leave?
Donna:		We're the only ones who know what really must be one of
		(They all glance uncertainly at each other)
Aaron:		Well it's not me! I'm not a sicko thank you very much!
Scott:		Hey man, don't look at me...
Laura:		Hey, I wasn't even there last way does this involve me.
Bob:		Bit late for that, Laura.  You are involved now.  
Dave:		Look guys...why don't we go to the Fair tonight and try and cheer 	
		ourselves up.
Donna:		Ok...fine by me.
		(They leave and lock up the caravans and head accross the park to the

Scene 8
Fright Night 2 index