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Scene 6

Opens - Aaron, Katy and Donna are sitting talking the next morning.  Scott, Laura,
Dave and Bob had gone to the Reception to report the murder last night and have not
yet returned.  It is now early morning.

Aaron:		Yeah but all I'm saying is that we can't rule out Bob...I mean, maybe
		he's having a setback or something.
Katy:		Well yeah can't be, he's had months of treatment.
Aaron:		And then we only have Scott's word that he wasn't in the caravan.
Donna:		(Angrily) Don't you dare even suggest that Scott did this! He was
there 		last year remember! He'd never do anything like this!
Katy:		Ok Donna.  We're sorry.  We don't really think Scott did it...we just
		don't know what to think at the moment.
Donna:		(Getting up) Well, don't you dare even imply that again! You 	
		obviously don't know him like I do! (Turns to storm off)
Aaron:		(Stopping her) Look...this happened last year...we let some freak
mess 		up our friendships! 
Donna:		(Sulkily sitting down) Ok...I'm sorry.  I just can't believe that this is
		happening again!
Katy:		Well, we don't know that it is.  
Donna:		How else do you explain it?
Aaron:		Sshh!
		(The others approach them)
Katy:		Well?
Dave:		They're going to start enquiries but...I'm not sure if there is anything
		they can do.
Laura:		But there has to be!
Scott:		We're better off just being careful.
Bob:		Who can it be?
Aaron:		I don't know...let's just hope we've heard the last of them!
Katy:		I don't want to stay in my caravan.  I'm not sleeping in the same 	
		room as where someone was murdered.
Donna:		I'm not staying in that caravan either!  I don't care if I have to sleep in
		the field I'm not staying in there.
Scott:		Well I guess you can stay in our caravan.
Aaron:		(Smiling at Katy) Yeah I don't see why not.
Laura:		Umm, what about me?  
Bob:		You can stay in our caravan too.  I don't mind.
Laura:		Don't you think it's gonna be a bit of a squash?
Scott:		Nah, Donna can come in my room with me.
Bob:		What about me man?
Scott:		You can sleep on the couch.  It folds out to be another double bed.
Dave:		Yeah, so you and Laura can sleep on that!
Aaron:		Yeah, and Katy can come in my room.
Dave:		Where does that leave for me?
Aaron:		You can sleep in the bath!
Dave:		What! No way!
		(Everyone laughs)
Donna:		No, but seriously guys?
Scott:		(Pretending to be hurt, laughing) I was serious.  You don't want to
		sleep with me?!?!
Dave:		I don't mind sleeping with you it's better than the bath! (Everyone
		laughs and Dave realises what he's just said and gets very 		
		embarrassed)  What! No, I didn't mean it like that.
Bob:		Well, it doesn't matter anyway since they've given us a new caravan. 
		What with the last one being a murder scene it's restricted.
Donna:		Whereabouts?
Dave:		It's over by the toilets.
Laura:		That's too far away.
Katy:		I'm not staying in a caravan with just those two (seeing glares from
		Donna)  I mean, I wouldn't feel safe.
Scott:		Oh for goodness sake, It's only 10am.  Can't we sort this tonight?
Bob:		Yeah, so what we gonna do today?
Aaron:		We could go and check out Bob's spooky light in the wood!
Donna:		(Sarcastically) Ha ha.  Very funny.
Laura:		That's not a bad's something to do isn't it?
Scott:		Yeah but hello? We're on holiday here...I'd prefer to do something 	
		better then rampaging around some wood!
Katy:		(Laughing, looking at Aaron) Yeah, what about the hot tub?
Bob:		But we can try all the stuff here out later...Oh come on guys, please?!
Dave:		No! It's a crazy idea! What if it is something...scary.  What then?
		(Looks between the others for support)
Laura:		I think we should just so that he will shut up.
Donna:		Fine then, whatever.  It's probably just a...power station or something.
Aaron:		What?! In the middle of a wood?
Donna:		Well...I don't know...I'm just guessing.
Katy:		Look, if this is going to start getting creepy then let's leave it right now.
Bob:		It won't get scary...I'm sane aren't I?
Laura:		Bob, why do you always say if it's your fault, it's not!
Scott:		(Interrupting) Well, are we going or not!
Dave:		(Turning to him in surprise) So you want to go now then do you?
Scott:		(Dark-humoured) Yeah, I don't mind...but we don't want scaredy
                 cats like you coming...
Dave:		(Not wanting to be left out) Hey, you guys aren't gonna leave me
		behind?.  That's not fair! (Annoyed at the other's sarcastic looks)
		I want to come!
		(Scott looks at Donna and they both laugh.  The others crack up 	
		laughing.  Dave rolls his eyes at them)
Katy:		You heard what he said...he really wants to come...
Laura:		Well he'd better come then, hadn't he?
Dave:		You know what I meant...(To Scott) Stop trying to make me
		sound like a prat!
Scott:		(Laughs) I don't need to already are one!
		(Dave lunges over at him, aiming at his head.  Scott ducks under his
Laura:		(Absent-mindedly) Well...are we going? We may as well walk...It's
		too hot to be locked up in a stuffy old car.
Katy:		Um...yeah, but I don't actually fancy walking that far, thank you!
Bob:		(Stifling a laugh) Um...yeah, was actually a couple of
hours 		down the road...
Laura:		Huh? Oh yeah, sorry I forgot.
		(They hop into the Van and drive back to the wood)
Donna:		(Hopping out) Well...Where abouts was the light? I didn't see it.
Bob:		(Gestures towards the thicket) Over there.
Aaron:		Great! So, we're gonna get torn to shreds by the brambles before we
		even get there!
Dave:		Maybe this isn't such a good idea.
Scott:		So what, now you're scared of a few weeds???
Dave:		No! You know what I meant!
Katy:		(Laughing) Anyway, let's just go and find this...phantom garbage
		thrower or whatever everyone said it was so that Bob will shut up 	
		about it!
Laura:		Ah...don't be nasty.  I'll go with you Bob.
Aaron:		No, it's alright.  We're here now.  I'm not going all the way back 	
		without having done anything!!
Bob:		Cool...right then, follow me everyone (They start to walk down a
		path cut through the wood)
Donna:		(From behind Bob) Oh great, I've gotta stare at his great ass the
		whole way!
		(They walk for a bit until they reach a clearing.  Dave sits down on a
		log to get his breath back)
Dave:		(Spluttering) God! I'm so...exhausted.
Katy:		Dave, we've been walking for 3 quarters of an hour!
Dave:		And what...that's not...long enough to get...tired.
Scott:		You are so unfit.
Dave:		I'm not!
Aaron:		What's that over there?
Laura:		Where?
Aaron:		(Pointing) Between the trees...Is it a van or something?
Donna:		Like, wow...a van is something you never come across.
Scott:		No...It doesn't look like a van.
Bob:		Come on (Heaves Dave to his feet)
		(They head in the direction of the 'van'.  When they reach it, they see
		only a old hut)		
Katy:		This is probably where the light came from, Bob.
Dave:		(Hanging onto Laura and Katy)
Aaron:		Well, it looks kinda...knackered doesn't it though?
Donna:		Yeah, I find it kinda hard to believe that anyone would want to spend
		any time in there...(screws up her nose) It smells too.
Scott:		Hey, a great place for Bob to live then!
Laura:		(Shoving him) Be quiet...leave him alone!
Katy:		Well then, we're here, we're torn to shreds, I'm dying of thirst and I 	
		look a state and the point was...?
Bob:		Well, let's have a look then.
Donna:		Um...yeah right.  You guys can go.  I think we'll just wait here.
		(Scott, Bob and Aaron go over towards the hut leaving Donna and 	
		Katy complaining about how dirty they look and Laura trying to 	
		support the exhausted Dave before he falls flat on his face.  The guys
		disappear from sight)
Laura: you think they're Ok? They've been gone about 10 minutes
Katy:		I guess...(They hear a yell) What...what...who was that?
Dave:            (Already running towards the hut) Bob!

Scene 7
Fright Night 2 index