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Scene 5

They all head to the restaurant.  They all sit around one large table

Donna:		I'm so hungry! You wouldn't think that was possible after the amount
		that we've eaten today!
Scott:		(Laughs) What do you fancy? Wanna share something?
Donna: about one of those really big plates of spare ribs?
Scott:		Fine...well, that's us sorted.  What about you lot?
Aaron:		Me and Katy will share a vegetarian pizza.
Steph:		What! Not another one! You're gonna have pizza coming out of your
Dave:		I really fancy a huge plate of fish and chips...
Bob:		That's English food...are you sure they'd do that?
Laura:		(Holding up a menu) Apparently so.
Dave:		Great! I'll have that.
Bob:		Me too.
Laura:		And me.  
Dave:		Ok...well, someone order while I go to the bathroom.
Bob:		(Standing up) Yeah...same here.
		(Dave and Bob wander off to the bathroom)
Dave:		(Washing his hands, giggles) Bob! Can you believe the things 	
		people write on the walls of loo's!
Bob:		(Laughs) What? 
Dave:		Well, somebody's written this little poem, it goes...hang on... 
                (Craning his head around a toilet door)  'We don't write on
                your ass so don't pee on these walls!'
Bob:		(Laughs) Um...Dave, I think that's actually a warning!
Dave:		I know...I'm just winding you up!
		(He goes towards the door but stops.  He thinks that he has heard 	
		someone behind him but the toilet is empty.  He laughs at himself 	
		and turns around to open the door.  He stops and gasps)
Bob:		(Concerned, from outside the door) Dave? What's wrong? (He
                 barges into the toilet to see Dave standing aback from the door, his face 	
		white like a sheet)
Bob:		Dave! Whatever's the matter?
Dave:		(Pointing a shaky hand to the door) Look...look what's written on
                the back of the door...
		(Bob pulls the door back to reveal the words 'School's out for the 	
		Summer!' in dripping red lettering, looking spookily like...blood)
Bob:		Dave...come on...any kid could have written that! It doesn't mean 	
Dave:		Yeah...but after what happened last summer don't you think it's 	
		kinda more than a coincidence!
Bob:		(Uncomfortably) Look... it's all over, Ok? The guy...who did
                it...he's not around anymore.
Dave:		I know that...but what if someone...still knows or something...
Bob:		(Laughs) You're full of shit, you know that Dave!
Dave:		Yeah...I guess I'm just reading too much into things as usual.  Come
		on, I'm starving!
		(They head back to the table where the others are just about to start
		tucking into their food)
Katy:		Hey! Didn't think you guys were ever going to come back! We were
		thinking that you'd been sucked down the toilet or something!
Bob:		(Sarcastically) Ha ha.  Very funny Katy.
		(They finish their meal and head back to the caravans.  Laura squeals
		when she gets close to caravan)
Laura:		Ok...who left our caravan unlocked!
Donna:		Not me...anyway Katy locked it...she did, I saw her.
Steph:		Well, one of the boys must have gone in to get something.
Donna:		(Yells to the boys in their caravan) Scott, did any of you guys
                unlock our caravan?
Scott:		I don't think so, hang on...(Yells to the others) Guys, did any of
                you go into the girl's caravan...and left it unlocked?
Aaron:		No of course not.  Why, was it left unlocked?
Scott:		No...Donna said she saw Katy lock it.
Dave:		Well, maybe they have cleaners...with duplicate keys and so did some
		customary, welcome-to-our-campsite cleaning!
Katy:           (Yelling from outside, having heard their conversation)
                Well...Maybe I 	didn't lock it properly...It doesn't matter...nothing
      's still fine.
Bob:		(Peeping her head around the door to the boy's caravan) Hey 	
		guys...we're trying to set up a game or something...wanna join in?
Donna:		Depends what game you wanna play...
Laura:		(Suspiciously) Why?
Scott:		(Shrugs) Just because.
Steph:		That's not a reason (Curiously) What happened last year? Please
                tell us...
Aaron:		No...we just want to forget about it.  
Laura:		(Persistent) Why?
Bob:		I' to go the bathroom (Hurry's out of the door)
Scott:		(Glares at Laura) Well...I hope your happy with yourself (Goes
                out after Bob)
Steph:		What did we say?
Katy:		Last year is a difficult're better off dropping it altogether.
Laura:		Fine...I'm sorry, we didn't realise it was that bad.
		(They all leave the boys caravan and lock the door behind them.  They
		then go into the girl's caravan and all sit down in the living room
Donna:		Hey...I think Katy bought that Friends boardgame with her, didn't you?
Katy:		Yeah...wanna play?
Dave:		Yeah, sure thing.
		(Katy goes and gets the game while the others clear the table)
Katy:		(Coming back into the room with the game) Here you go.
Aaron:		Shouldn't we wait for Scott and Bob?
Laura:		Nah...we can always slot them in it later.
Dave:		Right then...what, do I take a card?
Donna:		Yeah and if it's a dare then you have to do it...or you can ask the 	
		question to someone else here...or if it's a picture, you have to try to act 
		the word out.
Dave:		Right...(Standing up and flapping his arms about) 
Steph:		Um...The parrot man!
Aaron:		No! I've got's Batman!
Katy:		Don't be's the incredible hulk!
Donna:		No it's not! He's...he's...The flying Scotsman!
Dave:		(Pointing at her) Yes! At last!
Katy:		What! How can you get The Flying Scotsman!
Dave:		(Flicking the card at her) Well, that's what's written on the card!
Steph:		But that's not fair! You can't have things that...
		(A strange tapping noise seems to come from one of the bedrooms)
Donna:		Woah...What's that?
Laura:		What?
Steph:		Yeah, I heard it too.  It came from the bedroom I think...
Aaron:		Maybe it was Scott and Bob fooling about.
Katy & Donna:   WHAT!
Aaron:		(Laughing) No...I didn't mean it like that!
Dave:		Thank God for that!
Laura:		Yeah...they're probably both jerking around.
Katy & Donna:   WHAT!
Steph:		Shut up everybody! Let's just go and scare the hell out of them and see
		how they like it!
		(They all go up to one of the bedroom doors and open it a crack.  It is
		pitch black)
Aaron:		Hey pissheads...stop trying to freak us out.
		(There is no answer.  Steph lets out a shriek)
Dave:		What!
Steph:		I felt something snatch at my leg!
Donna:		Probably the huge bundle of clothes I left there!
Steph:		No...I felt it try to grab meeeeeeee!
		(Steph screams for help while the others try frantically to find the 	
		light switch)
Katy:		Steph! Steph! What's happening?! Somebody turn on the light!
Laura:		We're trying...we can't find it! Steph...what's going on! 
Aaron:		I've found's not working! Steph!
		(The room falls silent and they wait to hear for her)
Dave:		(Shakily) Steph? Steph, are you there?...come on...this isn't funny
Donna:		Aaron...try the light again.
Aaron:		It won't work I tell you (Tries the light switch and it comes on)
Katy:		Oh my!
		(Steph is lying dead on the floor, her head bent back at an awkward
Donna:		Oh my god! It's...It's happening all over again!
Laura:		What...what is? Oh my god...
Dave: can't's not possible.
Laura:		Why? Tell me!
Katy:		Our friends last year who were killed...we know who did it...but it isn't
Laura:		So..we have someone after us again?
Katy:		No...why is this happening to us!
Aaron:		(Putting an arm around her) It's Ok...come on, let's get outta here.
		(They go back to the Living Room in shock, not being able to stomach
		moving the body yet.  Scott and Bob have just come in)
Scott: you guys are...we didn't know where...(Sees that they are
                in shock) What's wrong?
Donna:		Steph...she's dead.
Scott:		What? How?
Laura:		We don't know...we couldn't turn on the light...and she was 		
Bob:		(Putting an arm around her) It's Ok...
Dave:		(Eyeing them suspiciously) Where did you go?
Bob:		I said...I went to the bathroom.
Dave:		(Converting his accussing gaze to Scott) And where did you go?
Scott:		I went after him...Look Dave, I don't kow what you're implying but
		Bob ran off (glares at Laura) I went after him and then we 	
		came back, Ok?  
Donna:		He wasn't accusing you Scott.  We just...we're just scared that's all.
Bob:		Well, it wasn't me!
Laura:		(Hugging him) Nobody's saying it was!
		(Aaron, Katy and Donna exchange looks)

Scene 6
Fright Night 2 index