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Scene 4

Donna:		Scott, can we have some of these? (Holds up a huge bag of
                Nachos) We don't get these in England.  
Scott:		(Rolling his eyes) Yeah Ok.
Cashier:	That's 8 dollars exactly, please.
		(Scott pulls his wallet from his back pocket.  Something flutters out
		onto the floor which catches Donna's eye.  She bends down and picks it
		up.  Scott puts an arm around her when he sees her hands start to 	
Scott:		What's wrong?
Donna:		What...what is that doing in your pocket? (She holds a Vodka bottle
		label out to him)
Scott:		Huh? Where did that come from?
Donna:		Your back pocket, Scott.
Scott:		(Laughs lightly) That's crap! It was probably just lying on the floor.
Donna:		No...I saw it fall from your pocket.
Scott:		Well...I don't know...maybe it just got stuck there or something.  This
		is a general store...they do sell Vodka here.
Donna:		(Looking at him doubtfully) Yeah maybe.  Just a bit of a
                 coincidence don't you think?
Scott:		(Hugging her then picking up the bags of supplies) Stop spooking
		 yourself out.  After last year, we deserve a nice break.
		(They leave the shop and walk back to the Van.  Laura and Steph are
		sitting in the Van.  As they approach, Katy and Aaron come around the
		corner laughing)
Katy:		You did so know that that was the girl's loo's!
Aaron:		I swear I didn't...
Steph:		(Standing up) Guys? Have you seen Bob or Dave? (Looks at
                 her watch) It's been 15 minutes...they should be here by now.
Laura:		(Sighs) They'll be here.
Scott:		They'd better.  I'm not sitting about waiting for them.  Either they're
		here or we'll go without them!
Donna:		(Laughs) Geez, you can be so mean sometimes!
Scott:		(Grins at her) But I thought you liked it when I'm mean!
Donna:		(Blushes) You know I do...anyway...They'd better hurry up.  I want
                 to get to the site before it gets dark!
Katy:		Laura! You were right! The bathrooms were like from The Ritz!  	
		(Aaron blushes and Katy smiles at him) In fact, they were so nice
                they momentarily made Aaron forget that he's a guy and doesn't belong in
		the Girl's room!
Aaron:		Ha ha.  It was an accident!
Scott:		Yeah right...whatever you guys say!
		(Dave and Bob come round the corner of the building)
Steph:		There you guys are! We were just about to go without you!
Donna:		Let's just get moving for christ's sake!
Scott:		You really wanna get to this campsite don't you! You won't give us a
		moment's peace!
Donna:		(Smiles flirtatiously at him) I just want to bag the hot tub!
Laura:		Come on guys...otherwise I'm going to want the loo again!
		(They leave and start off down the road.  They finally arrive at the 	
		campsite at about 6 O'clock, after numerous outbreaks of singing)
Katy:, Dave and Donna will go and check us in...the rest of you
		can wait here and get our stuff ready.  Ok?
		(Katy, Dave and Donna walk over to reception, leaving Bob, Scott,
		Aaron, Steph and Laura lounging against the van in the heat)
Aaron:		It's so hot! I don't think we're gonna need a caravan...I'm gonna sleep
		underneath the stars tonight!
Bob:		Sure do that.  Don't think I'd want to have a moose wake
		me up in the morning or find Tarantulas in my pants!
Aaron:		(Alarmed) What!
Scott:		(Rationally) He's just winding you up.  That's one thing you
                 probably should have realised about Bob so far...he speaks nothing but
Bob:		I do not! Some things that I say actually make sense!
Steph:		Like what exactly? I think that everything that comes from your mouth
		is complete and utter crap!
Laura:		Don't be so mean, Steph (Quietly) Listen, Bob...I'm sorry if I
                said anything earlier that offended you.  I didn't mean it.
Bob:		(Smiles at her) It's Ok.   
Aaron: come the others.
		(Donna, Katy and Dave come back from the reception)
Dave:		Well here we go guys...we have numbers 6 and 7.  Lets go and settle in
		so that we can go for a swim or something.
Donna:		One problem...we have to sort out who's sharing with who.
Scott:		(Smiles at Donna) And that's a problem because...?
Katy:		(Smiles at Aaron) I don't see why it's such a problem either!
Steph:		(Rolls her eyes) No...girls with girls and guys with guys, thank you
                very much!
Laura:		Well, me and Steph will share...
Donna:		Me and Katy will too...
Bob:		I'll share with Scott...
Aaron:		NO! But doesn't Dave snore!
Scott:		(Sniggers) You bet he does! He sounds like a sleeping moose!
Dave:		Hey! I'm not that bad!
Bob:		Well...there's no way I'm sharing with Dave...
Scott:		Me neither...
Aaron:		Fine! But when you start snoring expect to find a glass of very cold 	
		water over you in a flash!
		(They drive the van up to the Caravan's and park it in between them. 
		They all hop out)
Katy:		Oh wow! these are great!  Us girl's will have this one.
Dave:		And why exactly?
Katy:		Coz it's got the nicest view!
Laura:		(Unlocking the doors and going inside) Oh cool! Look, the
                 bedrooms are really nice!
Donna:		And we have a really cool living room area!
Aaron:		And look...a fridge!...and a microwave!
Steph:		(Yells from the other caravan) Guys! These are so cool!
Scott:'s the restaurant, did you say?
Bob:		(Exasperated) Do you ever think of anything else than food!?
Dave:		But I'm hungry too!
Katy:		Well, let's unpack and then go and check out the restaurant...and 	
		perhaps go to the bar later?
Aaron:		(Checks his watch) Well, I don't know about the bar...I'm tired after
                all that travelling...
Katy:		(Slips her hand into his)...but staying in sounds great too!
		(They unpack their stuff, Katy, Donna, Steph and Laura in one 	
		caravan and Aaron, Scott, Bob and Dave in the other)
Laura:		(Peering into the boy's caravan) You guys ready?
Bob:		Yep.  Let's go and get something to eat.

Scene 5
Fright Night 2 index