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Scene 12

Bob and Scott are searching for Jen and Lisa.

Bob:		Did you hear that?
Scott:		What?
Bob:		I thought I heard screaming from the woods..
Scott:		(turning towards the woods)  Do we really want to go in there?
Bob:		No but we can't just leave them... 
Scott:		Come on then... (they enter the woods)


Katy:		Do you think they're ok?
Donna:		What's taking them so long?
Aaron:		Look I'm sure they are fine.
		(A knock on the door makes Katy and Donna scream and jump.. Aaron
		jumps up an goes over to the door)
Katy:		Who is it?
Aaron:		(looking out the window)  I don't know it's too dark I can't see..
                Who's there?
Dave:		It's Dave.. Let me in!
Donna:		(Screaming) Don't let him in... 
Katy:		We're trapped... how can we escape.. he's got us trapped..
Aaron		(Quietly)  Don't worry he can't get in...
Donna:		He could smash the door down with an axe!
Katy:		Or set the caravan alight...
Aaron:		Don't give him ideas..
Dave:		Guys.. guys.. listen to me.. I'm not the murderer...I just said that cos
		Bob was going to throw himself in the river...
Donna:		Yeah right...
Dave:		Let me in... the freak's out here somewhere and I don't want him to get
Katy:		You are the freak!.. and there is no way you are getting in here...
Aaron:		Just get lost...
Dave:		I have to come in...
Katy:		(Listening) What's he doing?
Aaron: 	        It sounds like he's walking round the caravan... looking for another way
		in... are all the windows locked?
Donna:		(Pulls open the door to a bedroom and sees a window open in there...
		she dives towards it but Dave appears and starts to climb through) 
		Shit... he's getting in through the window!
Katy:		Aaron, open the door quick... we have to get out of here...
Aaron:		(Struggles to open the door)  I'm trying..
Donna:		(Running over to the door)  Hurry up... he's in the bedroom...
Katy:		(screaming)  Quick.. let me.. (she pushes Aaron out the way
		and unlocks the door and throws it open... they all run out and dash
		towards the woods)
Donna:          (pausing at the start of the woods)  Do you think it's a good idea to
		go in there?
Aaron:		It's about the only place to hide!  What choice do we have?!
Katy:		Well, lets get a move on then before he catches us up
		(They run into the woods)

Scott and Bob are running through the wood, yelling at each other.

Scott:		Where was the scream from?
Bob:		Around here somewhere
Scott:		Stay close, we don't want to get separated and give the freak the chance
		to get us.  
Bob:		Hey, that freak's our brother remember!
Scott:		(Turning around to look at him while running)  What was that?
Bob:		(Yells louder) I said, that fre...(Bob stops as he sees Scott run
		into Jen's dead body hanging from the tree and then falls flat onto the
		floor.  Bob dashes over to him and finds he is unconscious as he has
		hit his head)  Oh shit! Oh my god no.  Not Jen..(bends down to
		Scott) 	Scott? Scott, are you Ok?

Katy, Donna and Aaron are still running through the wood.  They stop in their tracks
when they see Bob leaning over Scott's lifeless body.

Donna:		(Whispers) Scott!
Katy:		And all this time, we thought it was Dave!
Donna:		And...shit, what the hell has he done to Jen!
Aaron:		Sshh, come on.  Let's get outta here before he tries to do the same to
		(They turn and run away in panic.  After running frantically for a 	
		while, Donna stops)
Katy:		(Katy and Aaron come to a stop too) What's up?
Donna:		We can't just leave Scott there! We have to go back!
Aaron:		What! Are you crazy? He's dead, why should we risk our lives to go
		back and get him?  It won't make any difference.
Katy:		I guess it's kinda pointless but then, I wouldn't want to be left to be 	
		eaten by the bugs!
Donna:		(Starts crying)  I can't leave Scott! I can't believe his dead!
Katy:		(Rolls her eyes and smiles pleadingly at Aaron)  Come on then,
		let's go back.
Aaron:		Ok then.
		(They head back in the direction that they had come from.  They reach
		the spot but find Scott and Bob gone)
Donna:		He can't be gone! Are you sure this is the right place?
Katy:		Oh, and you think Jen's body could be hanging from more than one
Aaron:		That sick weirdo must have done something bad to him...
Katy:		(Nudging him) Um, I don't think you're helping.  (Nods at 	
Donna:		Come on! We have to find him!
Aaron:		Look, let's just get the hell outta here! These woods aren't safe.
		(They run to the clearing and see Scott's body being dragged into the
		caravan, but they can't see who by)

Bob manages to haul Scott through the door of the caravan.  He sees Dave come over
to him.

Dave:		Bob? What the fuck have you done to Scott?
Bob:		Me? I er...what?  You're the killer remember, not me.
Dave:		What? Oh shit Bob! I just told you that because you were going to 	
		throw yourself in the river!  I haven't killed anyone...I don't know who
		it is.
Bob:		(Confused)  Really?...then maybe it is me.  Maybe I did this to 	
Dave:		What do you mean?
Bob:		(Manically)  It was me...I knocked him unconscious.
		(Scott cracks his eyes open slightly, dazed.  The room seems to spin
		and he closes his eyes again, Bob's words are ringing in his head, not
		yet making sense)
Dave:		Bob...
Bob:		No.  I remember...I killed Steph and Laura...and then Jen and Lisa.  It
		was me!
		(Scott registers what Bob has said but then falls back into 		
Dave:		Are you sure?
Bob:		(Confused)  Well, no actually.  But it could have been...
Dave:		Well, um...maybe we should go and find the others.

Donna, Aaron and Katy try to peer through the caravan window.  They see Scott
laying on the couch but cannot see Bob or Dave.  

Katy:		(Whispers) Did anybody else see Scott move just then?
Donna:		What! You mean, he's alive? Well, what are we waiting for!
Aaron:		But we don't know where Bob...or Dave..or whoever it is are!
Katy:		Yeah, but we can't leave Scott in there if he isn't dead.
Donna:		Why the hell are we standing around here, wasting time?
Aaron:		Wait...first let's try and establish who else is in there.
Katy:		Can you smell that?
Donna:		It smells kinda smoky...
Aaron:		(Seeing flames from one of the bedrooms)  Shit! The caravan is on
Donna:		(Hysterically)  We have to save Scott from getting burnt!  
Katy:		We have to get him out before it explodes!
Aaron:		Well let's hurry up then cos we don't want to go up in smoke either!
		(Donna runs around to the front followed be Katy and Aaron and 	
		yanks on the door. They stumble into the smoked filled caravan and
		head to where they think Scott is.  They find him on the couch and drag
		him out of the caravan.  They quickly drag him away and are sent 	
		flying by the explosion as the caravan is turned into a roaring inferno)
Donna:		Scott! Scott, are you ok?  (she crawls over to Scott coughing from
		the smoke inhalation) 
Aaron:          (Crawls over to where Katy is laying on the floor)  Are you ok? 
Katy:           (Sits up, coughing)  I'm ok just a bit bruised.  Are you ok?
Aaron:		Yeah, I'm fine.
Katy:           (Going over to Donna and Scott, with Aaron following her)  Is 	
		Scott ok?
Donna:		Yeah, he's alright.  (hugging him) We thought you were dead.
Scott:		(Coming around)  Huh? What?
Aaron:		Hey man, take it easy ok.
Katy:		What happened to you? We thought Bob know...
Scott:		Bob? (Realising) Oh my god! It's Bob!
Donna:		What?
Scott:		I heard Bob and Dave's them.
Aaron:		(Looking at Katy)  Um...maybe he has concussion.
Scott:		No, really...I heard them.
Donna:		Well, we did see Bob leaning over you in the wood.  We thought you
		were dead...but then we got confused because Bob said that it was 	
Katy:		Maybe they're in it know as some kind of revenge for
		last year.
Aaron:		Yeah, but revenge against who?
Donna:		Well, us of course!
Katy:		Why? What did we do?
Scott:		Bob already said he thought I was a bastard for getting all the attention
		or something!
Donna:		(Comfortingly)  Oh come on, that was last year when he was ill. 
                That's not even true! He wouldn't hold that against you.
Scott:		Yeah right.  They both have a right to kill me.
Katy:		Scott! Stop it! Anyway, let's get the frick away from here and head 	
		back to the centre.  
		(They head off towards the centre, looking warily over their shoulders. 
		They reach the centre and sit down in a booth.  Aaron scoots off to get
		them all drinks while Donna fusses over Scott)
Donna:		Are you sure that you're alright?
Scott:		I'm Ok...I've just got a bit of a headache, that's all.
Katy:		What the frick are we going to do! What with Bob and Dave running
		around killing people...I just cannot believe this is happening again...
Donna:		Well, at least we know it's them...we can steer well clear of them now. 
		I reckon we should tell the police we know it's them.
Scott:		But...
Katy:		Scott, just because they're your brothers doesn't mean they can't be 	
Donna:		Katy...
Scott:		My brothers are not lunatics!
Katy:           (Apologetically)  I'm sorry...I didn't mean that.  I'm just kinda 	
		freaked out...
Aaron:		(Coming over with drinks)  Well, no need for that anymore since
		I'm here (grins)
Katy:		Aaron, are you going to call the police?
Aaron:		Of course I'm going to call the fricking police!
Scott:		But...I can't turn my brothers into the police!
Donna:		Well, what else are we going to do? (Scott shrugs)

Scene 13
Fright Night 2 index