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Scene 10

Opens- Katy and Aaron are running down the path towards the main building in the
direction of the screams.  They see Scott and Donna running towards the building
from the other side and run up to them.

Donna:		Oh, at least you guys are Ok.
Scott:		Well it couldn't have been Bob or Dave who screamed like that.
Katy:		Must have been one of the bimbos!
Aaron:		Hey come on, we're just jumping to conclusions.  It might not even be
		anything to worry about...
		(He trails off when he sees Bob and Dave running towards them from
		through the front doors.  The two girls run out after them in tears)
Donna:		Are you guys Ok? Did you hear that scream? We thought something
Bob:		(Shakily)  He's in there.
Scott:		What!!
Dave:		The freak, he's in there.
Katy:		Where? What happened?
Jen:		Well, first of all me and Lisa went to the bathroom.  We heard this 	
		weird noise while we were in there, like somebody else was in there
		with us but when we looked under the only other toilet door, there was
		nobody there.  
Lisa:		We figured it was just us hearing things and so we went back out to the
		guys.  We were dancing in the club and that when Dave got called to
		answer a phone call.
Dave:		Yeah but when I went to answer it, there was nobody there.  The DJ
		guy didn't even know what I was talking about saying that he hadn't
		given the announcement and that he was the only one who could.  I
		told Bob but we didn't tell the girls 'cause we thought they would get
		freaked out...
Bob:		But...after a while, we were dancing and um...Dave thought he saw
		um...someone in a scream mask over the other side of the room.  
Jen:		We told him that he must have seen things and that the light was just
		reflecting weird off of people's faces but...
Lisa:		I saw them too...he tried to run after us as we came through the door!
Aaron:		Oh my god!  Not again!
Donna:		So, let me get this straight!  We have another freak running around in
		another ghostly mask?  That's just too weird!
Scott:		Listen, this is crazy.  There is no way that there can be another freak
		racing after us trying to kill us.  It just doesn't happen...
Jen:		Woah, hold on a minute...what's going on here? Will someone please
		tell us what the hell is all this!
Katy:		It's kinda a long story.  
Lisa:		Well, we got all the time in the world...I mean, we really would like to
		know exactly why there was a masked psycho chasing after us!
Dave:		Look, in short...last year...we spent the night at their (gestures to
		Donna and Katy) school and we ended up getting slaughtered.
Scott:		No we didn't.  We're still alive aren't we?
Donna:		I don't think he meant it literally speaking...but we did kinda have to
		fight for our lives a bit!
Katy:		True...but it's impossible for that to be happening again...(glances at
Bob:		What? Why are you looking at me? I didn't's not me, I swear!
Aaron:		Woah, Bob calm down.  Nobody's saying it is.
Bob:		But it's what you're all thinking! I know it! (He storms off)
Scott:		Bob! Don't be stupid! (Looking at Katy) Oh well done!
Katy:		Excuse me, I said nothing!
Jen:		Like hello?! What's all this talk of Bob being the possible killer?
Donna:		Bob went psycho last year and tried to kill us...but he was ill! He didn't
		know what he was doing!
Lisa:		Huh? Excuse me? Bob tried to kill you all? And you still talk to him!
Dave:		Like she said, he was ill  (Turning to look in the direction Bob 	
		went)  I'm going after him, Ok?
		(Dave dashes off after Bob leaving the others standing uncomfortably
		by the main building)
Aaron:		Well, um...can we move away from the building the freak was in 	
		please...back to the caravans?
Katy:		Sure, you, I mean, you want to come?
Jen:		Yeah Ok.  Thanks.
		(They all head back to the caravans to wait for Bob and Dave)


Dave runs through the wood looking for Bob.  He can't help feeling slightly uneasy
being by himself in the middle of a dark, thick wood.  He finds Bob sitting by the

Dave:		Bob, nobody was accusing you.  We know it's not you.
Bob:		(Looking up at him)  I don't know...maybe I'm not as recovered as I
		thought I was.  What if it is me...and I just don't know it!
Dave:		Bob! Don't be stupid! It's not you!
Bob:		But I didn't know it was me the first time around! I could be running
		around killing people and not know it!
Dave:		Don't be silly.  You're better now.  If you were killing people you'd 	
Bob:		(standing up and gazing into the river)  Maybe it would be better if
		I was dead!  I don't want to be killing these people so I have to put an
		end to it...
Dave:		What do you mean?!?!
Bob:		(Steps close to the edge of the river) I'm sorry Dave but it's for the
		best... (goes to jump)
Dave:		(Yells) Bob, no wait.. listen to me!
Bob:		Nothing you say can change my mind...
Dave:		(Quietly)  Bob, believe's not you.
Bob:		(Unsurely)  How can you be so sure?
Dave:		(Eyeing him strangely)'s me.


Scott:		Man, what is it with our so-called vacations? Why do they always turn
		into blood baths!?
Aaron:		They don't about when you had to go on that cruise 	
		around Alaska? Nobody died there!
Scott:		(Sarcastically) Well, somebody must have died...they might have
		frozen to death or something...
Donna:		Ok, quit that.  I'm scared shitless as it is and you're the only thing that's
		keeping me going.  I don't need you cracking up on me too.
Scott:		(Hurt)  Excuse me for existing...
Donna:		(Apologetic)  Oh Scott, don't be silly! I didn't mean it like that 	
		(kisses him on the cheek).
Aaron:		This is getting way too serious.  We really should just pack up and go
Jen:		But if you go, won't the freak try and kill us?
Lisa:		(Shrieks) We don't want to be left to die!
Katy:		Oh shut up, for frick's sake!... (looks out the window) I hope
Dave 		found Bob.  I feel so guilty.


Bob:		(Shocked)  It's what!
Dave:		It's me.  I killed Steph and Laura.  And I didn't really get that call 	
		announcement...and there was no masked figure.  The girls didn't see
		one either.  They looked around and saw some weird guy dressed up to
		look like Marilyn Manson!
Bob:, you can't be.
Dave:		I'm sorry.  I was hoping nobody would find out but I had to tell were blaming yourself (sees Bob stand up hurriedly and
		turn to run off) Hey Bob, where are you going?
Bob:		(Frightened)  I'm going to tell the others...stay away from me! 	
		(he runs off)
Dave:		Bob! Wait!
		(Bob runs as fast as he can back to the caravan)


Aaron:		But Katy, you didn't say anything.  And I don't think any of us can say
		that they haven't suspected Bob at one time or another...
Donna:		But...(trails off when there is a flurry of knocks on the caravan 	
Jen:		Who's...who's there?
Bob:		(Yells) Bob! Quick, let me in! Now!
Scott:		Alright! Don't knock the bloody thing down for Christ's sake! 	
		(opens the door and Bob pushes past him into the caravan)
Katy:		Bob! I'm sorry...I really didn't...
Bob:		(Waving a hand at her)  Forget it...guys, I know who it is!
Aaron:		What? Who is it?
Bob:		(Gasping for breath)  It''s Dave.
Donna:		What!!
Bob:		It is! I promise, he told me.  He told me that he had killed...
Scott:		(Slowly)  Woah, hold on.  Dave? Dave's the killer? Little Dave
                who checks the ground he walks on in case he squashes a bug??!!
Bob:		He does not!...but it's true.
Katy:		Oh my god! He's the last guy I would have thought of.
Donna:		Why would he want to kill us?
Scott:		(Quietly)  Maybe it's revenge for Bob throwing him out of the 	
		window to die.
Bob:		(Covers his face)  Oh man, he has every right to want to kill me.
Jen:		(Jumping up and locking the door) Well, I'm not letting him in
                here to kill us! And I thought he was a nice guy!
Scott:		Hey! There is nothing wrong with my brother! If he is behind this, then
		I don't know...maybe he's ill like Bob was.
Lisa:		(becoming hysterical)  You're all freaks!  Let me out of here.  I 	
		don't want to be with you guys... If Dave is trying to kill you then I 	
		want to be as far away from you as possible!
Jen:		I agree!  (runs to the door and unlocks it and rushes out)
Scott:		What are you doing?! Come back...
Lisa		(runs out after her) I'm not sticking around here to die!
Aaron:		(Yells after them)  You'll be safer here.
		(Lisa and Jen keep running despite the others protests)
Donna:		Do you think they'll be ok?
Bob:		I think we should go after them and make sure they are ok!
Katy:		Why?  We'll be putting ourselves at risk and we are the ones Dave is
Bob:		I feel responsible... I got them involved in this!  If I hadn't talked to
		them they wouldn't be in any danger.
Scott:		I was the one who whistled at them if they are in any danger it's my	
Aaron:		We don't know they are in any danger.  They aren't a part of this... they
		weren't there last summer so I don't see why Dave would go after 	
Katy		(Quietly)  Laura and Steph weren't there either and they still got
Bob:		It's not safe for Lisa and Jen to be out there.  I'm going to find them!
Scott:		Then I'm coming with you... I can't let you go after them by yourself
		and it's my fault they got involved too...
Donna:		Are you nuts?!!?!  You can't go out there... 
Aaron:		I'll come too.. You two can't just go...
Scott:		No!  You stay doesn't need 3 guys to go! (eyes the 	
Katy: 		I can look after myself!
Aaron:		No... he's right.   We can't leave you here by yourselves... and I 	
		wouldn't want to anyway...
Donna:		Be careful...
Bob:		(opening the door and going out) We will be!
Scott:		(follows Bob out)  Shut the door behind us and lock it...
Katy:		(jumps up to lock the door)  Ok..good luck guys. (She pulls the
		door shut and locks it and then slumps down next to Aaron on the 	
		seat)  I have a really bad feeling about this..

Scene 11
Fright Night 2 index