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Scene 1

Scene opens at The Moffatts house.  Everyone is getting ready for a road trip.

Dave:		Come on guys.  We need to hit the road now!
Donna:		Ok, Ok..we're coming!
		(Donna appears from through the front door carrying boxes of food
		and blankets.  Scott follows through the door, almost buckling under
		the weight of more boxes)
Dave:		What the hell are in all those!?
Scott:		(Groans) Katy's make-up!
Donna:		(Rolls her eyes) Don't be nasty.  I think you guys wear more makeup 
                 than me and Katy do! (laughs)Ya know, Dave..a hand would be nice!
		(Dave takes the boxes from Donna and Scott and oushers them into the
		back of the van.  Katy comes out of her house carrying a ton of boxes
		which she drops into Scott's arms)
Katy:		Aaron! Can you bring the ones in the Kitchen please?  I think we're 	
		almost ready (Looks between Scott and Dave)
                gonna be Ok to come?
Dave:		Yeah..He's been out of the Psychiatric Home for like a week now.  The
		doctors said he had a nervous breakdown and he's been on drugs and
		stuff for months.
Donna: he alright now?
Scott:		(Uncomfortably) They say he is...
Dave:		(Glares at him in surprise)  Don't say it like that! Like you think
                 he's still mad!..and you could have visited him!
Scott:		Sorry..but you have to admit, he really lost it!	
		(Aaron struggles out of the house, burdened with boxes and bags)
Dave:		(Sighs) For God's sake! I don't know how much more the van can
Aaron:		This is the last of it all.  Are we ready?
Katy:		No..Laura and Steph aren't here yet.
Dave:		(Rolls his eyes) Not more people! They won't all fit in the van!
Donna:		Of course they will! It's a 10 seater!
Katy:		Scott? Is it really Ok with your Dad about us borrowing it? You don't
		mind driving do you?
Scott:		Nah..he's fine about it.  And I don't mind...anyway, none of you lot can
		(Laura and Steph come around the corner)
Laura:		Wait! Don't go without us!
Steph:		Don't you dare!
Aaron:		We're not going anywhere yet! We're waiting for you guys!
Katy:		Hurry up..we have to pick Bob up yet..and at this speed we won't get
		to the campsite until tomorrow morning!
Dave:		Huh! No way! I am not spending the night in the van! 
Donna:		Well, lets get a move on then!
		(They all get into the van and start off on their Summer Road trip. 
		They arrive at the hospital about half an hour later.  Bob bounces 	
		up to the van)
Bob:		Hey guys!  We ready to go?
Aaron:		You bet! Get in.
		(Bob gets into the van and they carry on to the freeway)
Scott:		God! I'm starving! Can we stop off at a gas station and get something
		to eat?
Katy:		Ow..but if we wait until lunch time then we can stop off at a restaurant
		or something.
Laura:		So erm..just to try to spark some interesting conversation...what 	
		happened last year in England?
Dave:		Um..We'd rather not talk about it...
Bob:		I tried to kill them all!
Steph:		What!
Donna:		We um..lost our friends Natalie, Sophie and Sam that night.
Laura:		Oh..I'm sorry.  Do you know who it was?
Katy:		Um...kinda.  Look, can we change the subject..
Scott:		(Lightening up)  Wahey! Look, a McDonalds drive-thru!
Donna:		Scott! No! We're going to wait until lunch time!
Aaron:		(Leaning over to Scott) Man..she's really got you wrapped around
                her finger!
Scott:		(Rolls his eyes)  Tell me about it!
Laura:		Shall we play a truth or dare or spin the bottle maybe?
All but Steph:	NO!!!!!!!

Scene 2
Fright Night 2 index