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by MHS Drumline


  1. Air Heads- see Colorguard, Woodwinds.


  2. Band Director- the one who always makes bad jokes; never gives the drumline anything except a hard time; leaves the band when we need him/her the most.

  3. Band Room Games- Stuff we do during class to pass the time. Examples of this are: Old drum head frisbee, Kick the Mt. Dew bottle, Pull the chair out from under someone, etc.

  4. Basses- Section of the line that aren't old enough to play snare or quads (except usually one or two people).

  5. Battery- composed of: snare, quad or quint, basses, and cymbals.

  6. Bottom Bass- the biggest piece of crap in the battery percussion; should be sawed in half and burned.

  7. Brass- Second loudest section in the band; composed of: Trumpets, Mellophones, Baritones, Sousaphones, and Trombones.


  8. Colorguard- the Air Head section; very giddy; practices vagabond (see below); the only action that takes place on bus is fixing their hair and putting on make up. ("Oh no! Is my hair okay???)

  9. Competitions- Places we go to show everyone how good we are.

  10. Crab Stepping- the 'Flanks' of the drumline; done by crossing your left foot over your right when going right, and your right foot over your left when going left; really cool visual for the whole band to do simultaneously but it never happens.


  11. Diagonal Line- Like a straight line except impossible to make; theoretically it should be as easy as making a straight line but hey, we're talking about wind players here.

  12. Dog from Mars- Man, Daniel, you the dog!

  13. Drill- Marching from one spot to another as fast or as slow as you can; we march it as slow as we can get away with.

  14. Drum Cabinet- What we pitifully use to attempt to store all of our concert equipment.

  15. Drum Captain- the guy/girl that has no sense of tempo at all yet is picked as the tempo setter for the whole line and the whole band.

  16. Drum Major- the person who gives the suggested tempo; usually ignored by the drumline.

  17. Drum Room- Our storage for our piece of crap drums that don't work and pieces of crap drum parts that don't fit; where drum "sectionals" are held.


  18. Energy- Something no one has after band camp; drumline still manages to play warm ups despite this fact.


  19. Facial Expressions- Something a good drumline never has; generally a stupid smile from the flag corps.


  20. Gock Block- the hideous torture device; should be melted but fire can never be found when you need it.

  21. Gong- Pretty much the only instrument the school owns that sounds better than the instruments we use at competitions.(Also used for the pleasure of beating Daiton's head in)


  22. Hazing- Something once done to rookies; after several lawsuits this pleasure was taken from us.


  23. Intervals- An equal amount of space between band members (ie two step intervals); "Fix your intervals!" translates to, "SPREAD OUT YOU BUNCH OF RETARDS!!!"


  24. Jason- Our old "beloved" drum instructor that taught us the God-awful 8&8 and 5, 7, 9 warm up exercises.


  25. Kicking Butt- What we do at competitions.


  26. Losing- Something everybody else does when they compete with us; something we've not yet accomplished.


  27. Marvin the Martian and K-9- the drumline's mascots; represents Dog from Mars.

  28. Middle Bass- the drum no one in their right mind can play right; generally guessing and faking it sounds right.

  29. Monty Python and the Holy Grail- the drumline's favorite movie of all time; our second Bible.


  30. Nerds- a.k.a. band geeks


  31. Old Drum Heads- Any head busted or skanked that we use for our frisbee game.


  32. Pecking- What we do constantly; playing a bunch of stupid stuff just to hear ourselves play; drives the rest of the band crazy; excellent way of getting someone mad at you. (including the band director)

  33. "Piece of Crap"- the drumline's most used phrase. (which describes all of our equipment)

  34. Pit- Usually the section that is making puppet shows while the battery is outside practicing.

  35. Puppy- the faithful band dog that comes to band camp and home football games with us.


  36. Quads- the person who generally can't march; always speeding up the drumline making for major fits.


  37. Rookies- New band members with no clue as to what is going on at the moment; we usually know nothing about them.


  38. Section Leaders- the band members who think they know everything; they have no clue and is ignored by everyone, particularly by the drumline.

  39. "Shut-up"- the most common phrase that the drumline hears.

  40. Snares- the drummers that act like they know everything but usually don't.

  41. Straight Line- the curviest thing in the world; Zig Zag; the closest way to travel between two points; that constitutes marching over cars, people, small bushes, wind instruments, etc while returning to the band room.

  42. Stick Bag- the trash can of the drumline.


  43. Tempo- Supposedly the beat for the band to follow yet never happens; Drum Captain and Drum Major make feeble attempts to uphold it.

  44. Toilet- what Daniel made out of a busted chair, and later was stuck in it.

  45. Top Bass- the drum for the smallest drummer; requires the best rookie in the line to play.


  46. Under Tempo- A common mistake; a.k.a. dragging down the tempo.


  47. Vagabond- Wandering from place to place without any settled destination; see Colorguard


  48. Warm Ups- Things drummers use to make other band members mad, upset, and unable to talk or hear anything.

  49. Woodwinds- the whiniest section of the band; majority (¾) are Air Heads (especially the Flute section); composed of: Clarinets, Flutes, and Saxophones.


  50. Xylophone- the heaviest piece of crap in the pit; the alter of the drumline.


  51. Your Butt- What gets chewed (though not literally) when you mess up during a major performance.


  52. Zany- clownishly crazy; buffoon; silly person; Chris/Dylan.

  53. Zig Zag- see Straight Line

  54. ZZZZ- the sound you hear on the bus ride home, while someone puts french fries up the sleeper's nose.


  55. 5, 7, 9- the God-awful crap cadence that no one can march to. (not even the drumline)

  56. 8&8- the Original God-awful warm-up that the drumline plays; annoys the crap out of the rest of the band.

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