SO WHAT IS B-MOVIE CLUB? B-Movie club is a Pennsylvania based club consisting of people who like to rot their brains with low budget horror films. We get together and watch these movies, and each member predicts what will happen, such as who will die and who will live. These predictions are then totaled using the easy to understand, user-friendly "Club Point System" (CPS)listed below. The more points a member has, the more "privlages" a member has, such as deciding which movie the club rents next, and other fabulous prizes. The movies are mostly Trimark productions, signified by crappy special effects and bad one liners. Although there are a few movies we watch which are made by someone other than Trimark, the unspoken rule is that a B-Movie CANNOT HAVE EVER BEEN IN THE THEATERS. It must have been immediatly sent to home video for our viewing pleasure.

The Rules of B Movie Club

Make a selection in b movie land...

News, updates and shennanigans
B movie reviews

Email: beak2002@alltel.net