first internet release--> Butcher Knife <--


By the way > If your at this site and your one of thoose little ballness pussies... then why even BE HERE? instead of downloading this crap and reading this site... why dont you get a life. Adn if you got problems confront us in real life, cuz this crap your pulling by pussyfooting around makes me sick. YOU CANT STOP ILLFATED!PUNK.

Well. I (drummer/vocals) came down with toucilitus the tue before the gig. Sorry. My voice is a little messed up b/c of the throat swelling. But in feb, on a sat, and 7:00... well be comming again! check back for updates. thanx.

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This site contains the lowdown on a crazy youth band from tpa named ILLFATED. Please do not enter if you have the following allergies:



3.lamness disese

Ok... if your here to see/learn about the band...

click here --> ILLFATED

all rights pertained to a fake copywrite company and will bitch and moan to the fullest if you try anything.