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Strange Obsessions of Me and My Friends

Penguins, anything Japanese, Barney (the utter horribleness of him, not he himself), ducks (rubber ones in particular), chinchillas, martial arts, sheep, and toasters are just some of the many weird obsessions me and my friends have.

chinchillas. ahh, chinchillas.

Penguins. Stupid stalkers. If you know me, you might know what stalking penguin I am speaking of, but if not, well, too bad. I'm not explaining.
"Is that it, Dad? Did the penguin tell you to do it?" Billy Madison.

Toasters, the miraculous, small, common kitchen appliances that heat (toast)
our bread. Wow. I'm speechless.

I detest sheep. They are the scum of the earth. Sheep deserve to rot in the uttermost pits
of h룣, I say. Agg. I really cannot express my total and complete hatred for sheep; it's almost unfathomable.

hee hee this one blinks!

I like how rubber ducks just sit there in quiet delight for no apparent reason. Why are they always smiling? I would like to someday see a sinister rubber duck. Now THAT would be funny.