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For pictures of me, go here.

Age: 16

Birthdate: June 21 1985

Gender: Female

Height: *NO I AM NOT A MIDGET* 4'11"

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Blonde

Piercings: Ears, and recently bellybutton ^_^

School: SHS

Location: Some small town in North Idaho (I'm not a hick though, I swear to it)

Transportation: YES I am a licensed driver. I just dont have a vehicle. I kind of killed it.

Musical Preference: Heavy Metal~Industrial Rock~Hard Rock~Some Alternative

Favorite Color: Silver

Favorite Soda: Cream Soda, especially if it's JONES Cream Soda

Best Website: Oh dear GOD there are a lot of them. Go to my links page

Favorite Subject: Well, it used to be English, but then my teacher this year just totally ruined it for me. ::sniffle::

Likes: Visit my "Likes" page

Hates: Visit my "Hates" page

Best Friend: Star Gendro

Best Guy Friend: . . . decided to hate me, and apparently thought it would be hilariously funny to make it publicly known . . . go read my guestbook.

Pets: A dog (Pepper), 2 cats (Buddowly and Dusty)

Job: Er . . . I hate working.

Ticklish: Occasionally. It depends on what sort of mood I'm in, and who's doing the tickling. If its some nasty person, and I'm pissed off, I'm not ticklish. If I'm in an okay mood, and I dont mind the person doing the tickling, then I am. Its all very complicated. You also have to know where to tickle me, and its not my stomach (or the sides of it, for that matter).

What I Look For In The Opposite Sex: A sense of humor, able to talk well, friendly, cute, sweet... I go for good personalities. Honesty and being trustworthy are major issues. A nice stomach scores bonus points. And having a British accent (or being able to fake one well) scores more bonus points *winks*

Do You Believe In:

God? More or less. I go to church...

Karma? Sometimes. Its just sort of funny when someone does something mean and then something bad happens to them.

Aliens? Who's to say there isn't another planet that can support life, huh? Huh?

Horoscopes? Yes. Sorry, but yes. Most of the time.

Hell? Yep. I think it would suck.

My Opinion On:

Abortion: I think it's wrong. BUT~ I can tolerate it if, say, the girl is like, 14 or 15 (OBVIOUSLY A STUPID OR CARELESS GIRL ANYWAY) but if you're say, like 18 or 19, sorry chicka. That was your own mistake. Its called "BIRTH CONTROL"

Bill Clinton: Stupid, stupid man. I hate the guy.

Rap: Rap is crap. I hate it. Eminem and the Beastie Boys are the only rappers I can stand to listen to. Check out Marilyn Manson's opinion on rap. hehe.

Country: Oh goddess do *NOT* get me started on country.

Punk: Ugh. Um, some is okay, but it all sounds the same.

Best Song Lyrics: "I hate you all/Your mom's a whore/Where's my dog?/Girls are such a drag" ~Blink-182

When I'm Usually Online: It varies. Usually, right after I get home from school, and then again late, late at night. Typically, just whenever I'm bored, which is a lot of the time, especially during the summer.

Coke or Pepsi: Neither, but Pepsi is better, and Wild Cherry Pepsi is tolerable too

Shower or Bath: Shower

TV or Radio: Radio, unless I'm watching Family Guy.

Good Luck Charm: I lost them, dammit. I had some, but I lost 'em. Included were six pop tabs. I know I'm strange.

Worst Song You've Ever Heard: Anything country. And that "goin' to Cali" song by Sevendust. That song sucks.
