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She compares herself to the Pope. She judges people's character by their sexual orientation. She routinely calles twelve-year-old girls whores and prostitutes. She has to pay her TV audience to be there. Who is she?

The following is an excerpt I put on here from a page about Dr. Laura:

QUESTION: What is this story about her berating a young girl on the air?
ANSWER: On October 25, 1999, Ms. Schlessinger "savaged" (as the local paper called it) a 14-year-old girl, on the air, nationwide, because she disagreed with the eighth-grader's award-winning essay defending free speech. According to last year's November 9 and November 11 Hartford Courant, Ms. Schlessinger called the girl's ideas "stupid" and "dangerous," and said "If she was my daughter, I'd probably put her up for adoption." Ms. Schlessinger also went on to suggest that the child be "sacrificed," in the tradition of the Incas who ritually murdered their own children, and made references to the girl being kidnapped. Ms. Schlessinger added: "Poor Sara [the essay winner] doesn't get it. When she makes her marriage vows and her husband has sex with everybody else, let's see if she thinks that this philosophy works." [This story was confirmed with the Hartford Courant on March 11, 2000]

This is the woman they let have her own TV show. Now, I'm all for human sacrifice and such (well, not really) but that is just like, way over the top. For pete's sake, the poor girl just wrote an essay about free speech, not like, her love of molesting small evergreen trees or something. Take a chill pill. Dr. Laura only defends free speech if its to her advantage. If she says something bad about say, gays and lesbians, she insists she's covered under the First Amendment. If someone says something negative about her, however, she can't stand free speech and belittles anyone who supports it.