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    I'd first off like to thank everyone, for stoping by. Also, thanks to the B.B. for giving me their webpages for links.

BNL Forever!

    Coming up will be addition to the Brothers Creeggan page. Kevin Hearn Page is here! (still needs more work but here!) Coming soon, No Nudes Here, will be merging with Where we're Barenaked all the Time, to create a shorter, better site! Stay tuned for that, and please come back often while we fix up the new place! Don't forget to sign the guestbook! :) Oh please sign!! No on does :(

Last Updated: 7/18/01

**This page was made on a webtv, and is best viewed on one. Also, I have no connections with the band, so don't ask. Owners of anything on this page, links, etc, please contect me if you wish to have anything removed.

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