Chevelle *Mia* Point #1 tabbed by John Holcomb Standard Tuning This song has basically three parts you must learn PART 1-the intro, the verses Up and down stroke, hit only e a and d strings. I am not putting exactly how many times you hit each chord. Listen to the CD for that. e xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx b xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx d-------(11)--------99---------44---------22------------------------------------- a -------99---------77---------22---------00-------55------77-------99------55--- E--0---let E ring out---------------------00------ 33------55-------77------33--- Play this over and over. It is very muted and quiet during 2nd verse and it is extra loud for the repeat of verse 2 PART 2- Chorus On this part you hit open e twice then bend the g string up till it is the same note as the 5th fret on B. Don't bend B just let it ring e xxxxxxxx b xxxxxx 5 g xxxxxx 7 d xxxxxxxx a xxxxxxxx E---00xxxx Repeat both parts a few times Play that 2x then play e xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx b xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx d xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx a 55-----77------99-----55 E 33-----55------77-----33 PART 3- Bridge Short and even down up strokes on open E exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx g--------7-6-7-6-7 dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx E---00000000 Alot of repeating but there is only these three parts. Simple. The hard part is the strumming. Questions comment or corrections send to your tab here by copying and pasting (Ctrl-C) and (Ctrl-V)