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In the beginning...

Before they met anyone else Drew and Mike were already best friends. As babies they spent a lot of time together at eachother's houses.


Mike and Jake both went to Bishop Baraga Preschool. Patrick went to Tinkerbells! (HAHAHA) I'm not sure where Drew went yet...

Grade School

Patrick, Jake and Mike all went to Bishop Baraga while Drew went to Inverness. During this time, Jake had become a piano prodigy...or close to it. In about 4th grade Patrick, Jake, and Mike started a band...a christian rock band...with Bethany Lucier, Karl Trost and others in their class. We'll just say it didn't go very far. Drew in the meantime after learning guitar, was going to start a rock band with Aaron Weisberger and Dionne Tracy. That didn't fly well either.

Junior High

In seventh grade, Jake began to master the drums. In the beginning of eighth grade, Jake, Mike and Patrick started a Jazz band. Jake-drums Mike-bass(on a keyboard) and Pat-trumpet. Later, Patrick started to learn guitar...Mike, shortly after, taught himself to play guitar.

The Start of the Band

A month or two into eighth grade, Drew recieved a call from Jake. They showed eachother their talents, and decided to have a jam session. They contacted Patrick and Mike and got together. Because Mike was the last to learn guitar, they FORCED him to play bass...j/k. Not having a bass guitar, Mike played the bass lines on his acoustic guitar. The first song we learned was Do Right by Jimmy's Chicken Shack.

It's All in the Name

Now came the hard part of being a band...naming it. Our original name was Milk 'n Cookies...but we ditched it for obvious reasons. Other possible names included 4:10 p.m. (4=D=Drew 10=J=Jake P=Patrick M=Mike)...8-ball...Violent Tree Humpers (don't ask)...Catnip. After reviewing about 40 different names we decided to go with Flock of Cows.

First Gig

After being a band for about 4 months, we got our first gig. It was at the middle school 2:00am.