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Welcome to Jon's CKy Page!

Vern Zaborowski
Vern Zaborowski
Real Name: Vernon J. Zaborowski
Birthday: 7/31/76
Hometown: West Chester, PA
Favorite Music: Mr. Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3, James Brown, King Crimson, Don Caballero, Radiohead, Fantomas, Naked City, Frank Zappa, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Lustre King, Sunny Day Real Estate, Miles Davis, New Kids On The Block, Shellac and Buckethead
Favorite Movies: Cannibal: The Musical, Deathrace 2000, Blue Velvet, Orgasmo, River's Edge, Gummo, Buffalo 66, Meet The Deedles, South Park
Favorite CKy Song: Flesh Into Gear and Human Drive in Hi-Fi

My Interveiw Wth Vern

(vern is in bold font)
Me: How did you meet the guys of CKy?
How I met the band is quite an interesting story. I was playing in some sh*tty rock band(name not worth remembering) just for the sake of my drummer freind Lance who was begging me to play with him, and to make this horrible music he was forced to play, not as horrible. My friend Jina had this boy friend I never met before named Chad, and he was looking for a bassist to play on the Warped tour 2000. I said,"F*ck yeah,I don't wanna rot away my summer in boring Philly!!" I had a show at my local drinking spot Kenny's and Chad came to meet me. I remember right after I got off the stage. This guy with a old scholl BlackSabbath shirt comes up to me and said," You were the only thing that really caught my attention in that band!" I knew he was right, then we just bonded on music and sh*t. He said he had to clear it with Deron, then he would let me know. I was hanging at Jina's and she picked up the phone. I remember her yelling saying "what a f*cking as*hole" "F*ck that,blah,blah" She said it was Chad, and he asked Deron , and he said NO!!! This is the great part! WHY??? He never met me, but just because he heard I had long hair and a goatee, he didn't want to try me out!!!! I thought it was hilarious and just blew it off. That sh*tty band I was in just happened to play a show at Shooter's in Bristol, with none other than CKY. It was pretty funny. I happened to be munching on some shrooms that night. I saw Deron and said" Hey, sooo your the guy who wouldn't let me try out because I had long hair. Well, he lied to me and said "I never said that!!" I thought that was also hysterical. About a week later, I get a call from Chad. Saying do you still want to play on the Warped tour? Chad wasn't going to play bass on tour because he was a f*cking guitar player. A few days earlier I just happened to have shaved and got a haircut. I was still a lil hesitant about playing with a guy who didn't even want to try me out because of the way I looked, but I just said f*ck it!! I basically learned the songs in a few days from the record and from Chad. The boys came down to my house in Roxbourough to play, and that was it. We were Warp tour bound.
Me: What's he best part of being in a band?
The best part of being in the band is getting the chance to rock out for fans who really give a sh*t!! When you see fans in the crowd really getting into the music, it just renforces my energy I give off to the crowd!
Me: Will you be in CKY3?
Unfortunatly, I was unable to make it to Bam's to film any skits, but I am in the video that Bam shot for " Flesh into Gear" which is in the new movie. Don't fret, I'm sure you'll see my skinny a*s getting hurt in the near future.
Me: Do you have any advice for people playing bass/ guitar?
Advice for people who play guitar or bass? Play what you love, and love what you play. Music is the one soild thing that will always be there for you,...don't negelct it!!
Me: Anything else you want to say?
Am I getting paid for this??,...if not just send me some non perishable food and maybe some herbs