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“Playboy” Bubba Mackenzie: Guitar/Vocals
“SBD” Rob Rossetti: Bass
“Dynamic” Josh Movado: drums
Amado “the Natural” Movado: Guitar/Vocals
Marcus “inferno” Zioli: Stunts/Mayhem
Mark Johansen: Referee

“The Bump-N-Uglies aren’t afraid to shed a little blood for the sake of rock ‘n’ roll” - Mike DaRonco; Metro Times

After releasing 2 well received 7”s and gaining a reputation for being the most death defying and exciting live band in Detroit, the Bump-N-Uglies unleash their first full length opus: The Finer Things in Life.

The Band (Made up of “Playboy” bubba Mackenzie, “SBD” Rob Rossetti, and the Movado Twins: “Dynamic” Josh and Amado “The Natural” ) formed in 1995 and ,after some slight line up changes, forged their love of Professional wrestling and Punk rock into a combination that’s equally comical, awe-inspiring, and just plain fun. A typical show (if there’s even such thing as a “typical” Bump-n-Uglies show) always includes some sort of wrestling stunts: be it open challenges to the crowd, ambushes by their arch-foe Inferno, barbed-wire baseball bats, blood, broken tables, dented trashcans, and rip-roarin’ rock ‘n’ roll.

The music that this fearsome foursome produce is akin to some of your favorite punk/hardcore bands of the past 20 odd years. You hear a lot of “old-school” influences, but they’re not derivative of anyone, as a lot of bands of today are. (think the Dictators getting in the ring with the dwarves while the Dickies and the Damned playing the ring entrance music)

The album was recorded by Jim diamond, whose credits include the New Bomb Turks, the Dirtys, and Andre Williams. The end result is a 12 song “slobberknocker” of an album, which each song chopping you down like Ric Flair would and the next one starting before you can catch your breath….only to be chopped down again. Of course there’s songs about the sport they love (“King of the Iron Rungs”, “Legend of Mick Foley”, “Diary of a Madman”….their ode to indy wrestler Madman Pondo). There’s also tunes celebrating themselves (“First Pig to the Trough”, “Fat, loud and Drunk””) as well as their pastimes (“Drinkin Beer” “Walkin the Plank” their tribute to Capt Morgan’s Rum, which will be featured in the Troma film Toxic Avenger 4 this fall).

Over the years, they’ve shared the stage with a plethora of bands, such as the Business, Peter and the Test Tube Babies, the offspring, Suicide Machines, blanks 77, anti-heros, Dictators….the list goes on and on.

The Bump-N-Uglies go the extra mile….they may choke you out, but they’ll never put you to sleep.