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[ the official website of anti-faction? ]

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[ h e a d l i n e s ]

antifaction gets a new look, edge and best of all, better people - 03.29.02 - chad
well needless to say, what the hell was i thinking hoping to get a band going with kory and jason again. theyve lost the drive they once had and would rather not pursue a band. so since the report i lost all hope of getting a band goin. the one with craig waldron(guitar) and josh lavalley(drums) fell through because of no place to didnt fall through. it was just put on hold. so josh and i were hangin out in studyhall one day and we got talking about the whole band thing. we both wanted to start it back up..minus craig. craig is not a bad guitar person by any means. he just doesnt want to play what we do. josh and i both want to play heavy stuff like ILL NINO; by the way i highly, highly recommend their newest cd "revolution, revolucion"..its so damn awesome. anyway we want to be like ill nino. so josh will remain on the drum end. and i will remain on bass but josh said he can get our guitarist whos name is spyke from wiremouth(josh's 2nd band) and for vocals josh suggested brandon, wiremouths sample/sound man. both of which are great at what they do. i just hope this will all follow through because josh said that if we did like ill nino, we'd be one the best bands around our area. anyway, antifaction isnt going to be the name i guess. its going to be something with a more aggressive edge. so well either keep this site under a new name or move this page to a new address.