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"In Loving Memory"

Born June 24th 1951 - Died June 10th 1996

(We Love You Junior)

A Special Note From Phoenix:

Hello everybody! I'd like to take the time to share with you a story of a man named Charles Leslie Beason (Junior) my Uncle! Many years my uncle battled with a well known disease called Cancer.

It was hard to accept that he had this disease, because he was a very outgoing, friendly, living life to the fullest extent type of person. He was healthy, and strong! It's hard to imagine! He refused to believe what some of the doctors told him in the beginning, (a certain amount of time to live). He fought it all the way! He kicked it for awhile, but in 1995 it finally started taking its deadly toll. In October of 1995, the doctors believed that he didn't have much time left. All involved thought it would be best to transfer him back to Arizona where he could be closer to certain family members. They chose me to be medically responsible for him and to escort him back. By spring time 1996 his health had dwindled dramatically!

His life finally came to an end on the day of June 10th 1996. Many people have experienced similar situations and God knows, it's awfully tough on all.. If you or anyone else out there needs information concerning the facts on Cancer, please ask your Doctor first. For other information regarding this Disease, here is the link to "The American Cancer Society".This could happen to Anyone at Anytime! Please become Aware! It might just save someone's life!

Now, I mentioned on my home page about touching on topics that are important to me and others. I know that many of you have known someone in your life that has battled with some type of disease, it's very hard on the person who has the disease as well as the family members and friends who have been there for that person. It effects all! I have lost members of my family to cancer, it runs in our family quite a bit! I have lost one of my closest friends when we were teenagers to pnuemonia. It hit her so fast, she died a couple of days after! One day she was at school, the next day she had a fever and stayed home from school, the next day I recieved a call from her family telling me she died at 10 am that morning! So you see, it can effect anyone at anytime! It can strike a person down while they are young, in their prime, or old age. Nobody is immune, diseases aren't prejudice! They can victimize anyone.

Here is a list of organizations that I have found via the internet, if they are able to help you or anyone else, please use them.


How many times have you ever seen the news and newspapers etc, about countries and the disasters that have occurred and how many people have been left homeless and diseased and hungry etc... Have you ever noticed the amount of children out there that are in need in those countries as well as our own. Have you ever thought of becoming a foster parent or becoming a sponser of a child that needs your help!!

Well, here is a few places that you can check in on. If you are interested in helping, these organizations can give you information in doing so. They help out children in this country as well as in other countries. I was once a sponser of a child years ago. I told them to choose where it was needed most. It was an emotional experience for me to recieving letters from him and his family. He was from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. His family only made 52$ a year (that's american money). That small monthly amount I sent was to help him and his family and his community! At that time I was paying the small amount of 12$. That went a long way!

Now it's like 22$, but that is still a small amount, compared to what those people have! So if you can afford to spare that type of amount, it goes for a very needy cause. Think about it! It's worth the feelings in the heart that you feel for helping someone that you don't even know!

Feed the Children
Christian Childrens Fund
Plan International

If you have a link that you think would go good along with these please send it to me, and I will take a look! Thank you!

Here is a subject that all countries have a problem with also! Homeless people! When you're out in your car or walking down the street, how many homeless people do you see? On an average day, how many do you see? Quite a few aren't there. It's very sad to see this anywhere. Some have chosen this life, but many have not! Here is an oragnization that might enlighten you on this subject. National Coalition for the Homeless
Here is a very touchy subject to many people, Child Abuse. I'm sure that many of you know others who have been abused or maybe you yourself have been a victim of abuse. Abuse has "NO RIGHT" to being in existence. Unfortunately it happens. If you need help please get in contact with someone who can be of service. "YOU NEED TO HEAL INSIDE"! There is also places for Family Violence. "The abuse in what they do is not allowed to carry on"! So reach out, there are hands out there that will take yours in theirs! People will open their hearts to you!
Here is a few links that might be helpful to you or anyone you know that could use or are in need of information on Drug abuse and Alcohol abuse! There are so many problems that are arising from drug and alcohol abuse in this country. Something needs to be done about it. There are so many people being killed in car accidents or overdose, as well as imprisoned due to this epidemic. Hopefully these organizations might be able to help you in some way. Once again I say, if you have any links that you think are of importance and goes along with these, please get in touch with me! Phoenix Rising

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National Commission Against Drunk Driving
Drug Use

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