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Sometimes I wonder why,
what's the reasons to try
I raise my head up
and ask the questions
while a tear in the eye.

I look out upon,
to the things that I have done
sometimes I've thought
of throwing it all away
An anger exists
due to all the pain.

I think of many
how they have been given the chance
while I stood alone
I stood and watched
I couldn't believe
God knows, what my eyes do see

One day, we all have our time
we stand before the judge
what have you done
how have you made others feel

What were the reasons
didn't you see their tears
did you take the time to listen
didn't you take the time to care

Will anyone listen to the words I say
will they take the time to understand
the wrong has been committed
are you able to make amends

Stand there and view the scenes
playing as a movie in your mind
with the sounds playing in your soul
are you on your knees
are you weeping like a child

Remember what you do to others
can affect ones lifetime
have you heard those words before
well listen clearly,
for that's what love is for

Written by Phoenix, 12-10-2000
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