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Walk through my city

August nights,
are warm in the valley of the sun.
Walk through my city,
then you'll know how I feel,
and how the day has gone!

I motion to you, "Come Here"
this is where I stand.
I take the heat day by day,
are you able to comprehend!

Drink-fulfill that inner thirst,
it's not that easy as you may believe,
coming out here and taking the heat!

You got to be strong,
so determined inside.
You got to know what to do,
come on, give it a try!

August nights,
are warm in the valley of the sun.
Walk through my city,
then you'll know how I feel,
and how my day has gone!

Walk through my city!
Walk through my city!
Are you able to take the heat!

Written by Phoenix(Phxdsiv) 8-2-2000
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©2000 Phoenix Rising (Phxdsiv)