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Rocking Glass Horse

Rocking glass horse,
so fragile is your mane.
Clearly my eyes see through you,
watching you, as you surely do shine.
With heavens light,
you prance so proudly,
yet graceful!

Your eyes are like golden fire,
glistening along with the strength of your hooves!

Many would love to be able to ride you,
with no thoughts, or caring,
even if you break!
All they're able to see,
is their vision of their power over you!

They can't understand the crystal vision,
the beauty of your style!

No saddle shall I put on you,
or restrain you with the reins!
May I look, and behold your purity,
for so fragile is your mane!

Written by Phoenix(Phxdsiv) 7-10-2000
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