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Here's a story of a man,
who's trying to make his money,
trying to live his life,
struggling to make his rent!

He walks down the sidewalks,
showing off his art,
hoping someone will buy just one,
even if it means,
taking the lesser amount.

Such a gift has been given,
to this man with his art.
Talent in the natural form,
being able to create with his hands.

Honesty is a virtue,
that many just don't have.
But something shines within him,
telling me he will be back!

What I see, is this man's trying,
that many can get up and do!
Whatever it may take,
he's willing to put himself out there,
put himself out on that line!

Written by Phoenix(Phxdsiv) 2-28-2000
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©2000 Phoenix Rising (Phxdsiv)