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About a Dream!

Faces my eyes do see,
my mind's deep within a dream.
Bewildered, as I look at those eyes
I feel something, a stare!
Who are you, looking at me!
Startled I awake,
a sigh of relief.
I turn the other way,
as I start to drift within.
Wondering what else am I going to see.
What is the meaning,
what is being told to me!
Why these faces,
Why so deep!
Fears can become,
but I do not give in.
Holding to my strength,
my voice calls out inside!
"No, you have no power over me!"
Realizing this,
peace becomes the friend.
The becoming of a new dream,
as the old one comes to its end!

Written by Phoenix(Phxdsiv)2-8-2000
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