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Life can show you

Oh sleepers awaken your mind's eye
Allow the visions to guide you through
Perceive them-realize
They are just for you

Come on child walk on through
Make up your mind
Your presence is known here
For generations they will know
Memories will stand clear in their minds

We are all just children
you might disagree
but remember this,
we don't know all of life's mysteries
A child still learning
though the body does grow old
Reality delivering abundantly

Tell me now,
do you like what you see
You've been taught certain ways
You've never known
that love can be so strong
Close minded on viewpoints
this is the way of the old

Life can show you
It takes all to live in this world
To make things so brighter
Experiences of the new

Just because one shall be different
it doesn't give them the right to crucify
Belief is good in the heart and the mind
it's what makes us different
though we all are the same inside

So come on child
walk on through
make up your mind
Your presence is requested here
for generations they will know
those memories shall always stand clear

Written by Phoenix(D.S.Ivester), Jan. 8, 2001
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