This site is dedicated to the greatest musician to ever grace the earth with his presense: KURT COBAIN It's also a place to bash that murderous BITCH, Courtney Love. Fucking Cunt. She killed the man. I know it, you know it, we all know it. If you've got shit to say about the skank then put it on my board. If you don't agree with what I say about her, Put it on my Board! Ok, Just fucking put everything you can think of on my board. K? Kewl? I also want to put a section on here for fan art and maybe fan fiction. Send me what you have, if you have any, and I'll post it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the site.
Drop me a line if you want
SOON TO COME: Lyrics, Sound Archive, Book Listing, Interviews, and Videos. If you have any suggestions please e-mail me. NOTE: If you have poems about Kurt, stories about encounters with him from real life, or anything along those lines, send them to me. They can be found in the Fan Fiction Archive.
Visit my damn message board, would ya?
My online Journal thing-a-ma-bob. If I get bored, I usually write stuff here.
This is to all you Courtney fans out there
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