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Mike's Khan Page

Born within the comforting native mountains and forest of Japan, the spiritual domain of the globe, Tarasque was immediately put into training to survive the dangers of the world. His young feline fram was tattered and torn within the first week, but survival was eminent to withstand the killing of the pride surrounding him.
The family slowly edged closer to extinction with every dying breath, the wars only aiding the decline of numbers within the once glorious lands. Barely surviving his younger years lone, his immediate family killed off during the neat-fatal Nagda-Racbur Feud. Still young, he continued the only activities he was taught and conditioned day/night. His mind expanding to accomadate the new gifts of mind and blood he was taught through surviving pride members. His body trained to survive the terrors of spiritual and physical trials, he rised quickly through the ranks of pride to present status of 4th rank Khan of BloodFang Pride.

Name: Tarasque Ttemankima Concept: Sneak Breed: Feline Tribe: Khan- weretiger
Player: Mike Pryio: Twilight


Physical Social Mental
Strength: 3 Charisma: 2 Perception: 3
Dexterity: 3 Manipulation: 2 Wits: 2
Stamina: 2 Apperance: 2


Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness: 3 Animal Ken: 2 Science: 2
Athlectics: 4 Leadership: 2 Enigma: 2
Brawl: 4 Melee: 5 Medicine: 1
Dodge: 3 Stealth: 5 Occult: 4
Empathy: 1 Survival: 3 Rituals: 3
Primal Urge: 3
Intimidation: 4


Backgrounds Gifts Gifts
Underbelly Skin of Jade
Silent Stalking Nights Passage
Impala's Flight Spit Fire
Spit Fire Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger
Perfect Cover Hands of Will

Rage: 6 Willpower: 5 Gnosis: 7
Rank: 4th Honor: 6 Cunning: 3
Katana - Kanewaka
Naginata - Higo X2
Wakizashi - Mumei

Blood Fang Pride
Sasha Scarfang
Niencha Scarfang
Tarasque's Picture
Guest Book