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Chapter 5---Not So Sweet Dreams

Two Years Later . . .

My eyes shot opens as the phone rang. I looked at my alarm clock. Who in the right mind called at 4:30 in the morning? So, I reasoned it must have been John.

"Paul...answer that for me...It's probably Johnny," I yawned.

Without opening his eyes Paul reached over and picked up the receiver and handed it to me. "What do you want John?"

There was a moment of silence. "How...did you know it was me?"

"The only other person to call me at this time is Paul. So I used the pro-cess of elimination," I replied without thinking. I felt like kicking myself when I realized what I had said.

"I'm guessing it's because Paulie's there," John asked with a disproving tone.

"John, what did you call me for. I know it wasn't to rag me about Paul," I snapped.

"It's not important..." he sighed.

"John, yer me best mate, o' coarse it's important," I said softly. "Tell lit'le Rita what's wrong."

"I had that dream again..." was all he had to say.

"I'll be right over Johnny," I said quickly. By time we had gotten off the phone I had already gotten dressed and was trying to wake Paul up. "Paul, if you don't get yer lazy arse out of more sex."

"I'm up!" Paul exclaimed, quickly getting out of bed and getting dressed.

We quickly drove over to where John was still living with his auntie...which I had still yet to meet at that time. Paul thought it best to just drop me off, due to the fact John disproved of our relationship. He disproved of it so much in fact, I hadn't gone to see them practice in two years, and John and Paul only got together once in a while to write songs...even then it was when I wasn't around.

John was waiting in the drive, barefoot, wearing only his jeans. He gave Paul a slightly dirty look after he pulled out of the drive. "Oh grow up John," I snapped. "It's not like you and I are married."

"What?" John said with a surprised tone. "Have I ever, in the two years, said I didn't like the fact my two best mates were dating?"

"You don't have to say it John. It shows in your mannerisms when you see us together." Sometimes I swore, the reason John disliked it so much was because he had a small crush on anyother guy in Liverpool.

"There ya go, with all that psycho-babble ye've learnt at that university," John sighed. "Whate'er 'appened to the ol' Rita?"

"She grew up a little...lot more th'n I can say for you. If it wasn't for all that stuff I've been learnin' at the'd have no one t' 'elp ya with these dreams ya've been 'avin'."

That said, John just sighed and told me about the dream that would later turn out to have been a priminition about his death. Of course, at the time, neither of us knew that. I had just gave him the usual lecture about how it was just some of his inner-most fears and all that other stuff psychatrist tell people with nightmares. John hung on to every word I said.

He always felt better afterwards. So we moved to inside the house and sat on the sofa. "Thank ya Rita," John said softly. "I honestly don' know what I'd do without ya as me friend." Usually, he gave he a hug after he said that. But this time...he kissed me.

Not one of those sweet and innocent kisses...It was one that would have rivaled Paul's. I almost pushed him away but, for some reason, I couldn't. Luckily, the sound of his auntie clearing her throat came from the doorway. "Johnny...what is this girl doing here this early? Or should I be saying...this late?"

"Auntie...this...this..." John stammered. "I'm Rita, Johnny's friend. Paulie's girlfriend." I was sure to add extra emphasis on "Paulie's" so John would get the point that I veiwed him as just a friend.

Aunt Mimi gave John a disproving glare. "Apologize then Johnny."

"Oh, don't worry ma'am," I said. "Apologizing to me is pointless...Psychology student."

Mimi seemed to understand. Obviously, John had told her about my lectures on apologizing. "Now, why do you have your friend over here so early Johnny?" "I had that dream again Auntie and---" John started.

"Oh bother!" Mimi sighed. "That dream again. It's not important Johnny..."

"Actually, ma'am. Dreams are very important. Studies have shown that dreams can often reflect inner pains, fears, and desires that the human mind represses," I quickly corrected.

John cringed. Mimi gave me a stony stare. John had once told me..."no one corrects The All-powerful Aunt Mimi." I didn't care...I truly believed this woman loved and cared for John, but it wasn't her place to say what was and wasn't important to him. I expected Mimi to lash out and tell John never to be around me again...instead, she smiled warmly. "Care for an early morning cuppa dear? The least I can do for Johnny getting you out of bed..."

John looked surprised as Mimi escorted me to the kitchen for tea, telling me how relieved she was that John had such a smart, caring friend.

Chapter Six