Around the world in 100 hours...

Yes thats right...around the world in 100 hours! AJ quotes "We're gonna do whatever we can to just blow this album up"
To promote their latest album, "Black and Blue", Backstreet boys decided to visit 6 continents in only 100 hours;

o Stockholm > Tokyo > Sydney > Cape Town > Rio > New York o

They start off at Stockholm, Sweden and finish in New York, USA....

Even before they have started they are "sniffling and sneezing and coughing" says AJ. AJ has an headache, Nicks coughing and has been sick...

BSB have to prepare for the EMAs (Europe Music Awards) in Stockholm. They win the award for "Best Group", "we didnt expect to win", says Brian. Not only Brain but they are all shocked. They perform "Shape of my heart".

BSB see their "Backstreet Boys" plane which they are going to be travelling on throughout their tour around the world and are blown away. The plane is massive with lots of luxury rooms and they are all VERY excited, esp AJ! Nick thinks that its funny to tipple-tail on the floors (it is quite funny to watch actually, hehe) then Brian pretends to fall asleep on Howie....

They are now in Tokyo. 12 hours on the ground... BSB wanted all of their fans to be waiting at the bottom of their plane for them but unfortunately most of the airports wouldnt allow that. They push their way through the crowds of screaming fans onto a tour bus where they get interviewed for a magazine, they then go to a beach where there are a bunch of fans waiting for them. They go by on boat and wave to them and then sing "Shape of my heart" and tell the fans they love them in their language. They then perform SOMH again later on.

Today they land in Sydney, Australia, sign some autographs and then get on a bus and wave to some fans who are chasing the open-topped bus then they stop and meet the fans, sign autographs again then get back on the bus... Upon arriving at the beach they pose for photos with the beach team and AJ messes about holding a BSB surf board with some trunks over his trousers and in an Australian accent asks if you would take him seriously if you saw him in a nightclub (lol)... and then more autographing and meeting fans... and move on to an all girls catholic school and meet a lucky bunch of "fans" (grrr !) and then sit for a conference with them later on and answer questions!! They then go on a boat trip to see some sights and then its time for more questions from fans in a mall (it looks like a mall n e way!) but are having trouble hearing them and with sound so perform SOMH acapella. They are now setting off to Cape Town, South Africa.

From Sydney to Cape Town and there they are. 5 hours are spent on ground. The weather is great. Time for signing autographs and meeting fans again, getting gifts off them, etc. A band play "As long as you love me" (instrumental) for BSB. They get to meet a "big cat" and Brian gets his pic taken with it. Now its back towards the Backstreet Plane and to Rio De Jinero and have plenty of fans waiting for them a the airport. The fans are then chasing BSB in their bus and totally surrounding them while BSB have a good wave at them. It starts to get unsafe when fans are banging on the bus and shaking it, stomping on car roofs just to get a good view of BSB and one of them falls over and Kev says "Nooo please get her up, get her up", really concerned. They need to getout of the bus but there is no way out! but finally they are freed. It is certainly scary stuff... BSB stand on a tall building and wave and shout down to their fans. A mad fan meets BSB and is screaming and shouting, she grabs Howie and kisses him, he looks quite shocked but is calm, she then goes to Nick and grabs his shirt and he looks quite amused while just standing there, taking it all. She then gets pulled out (lol) The crowds quadruple and absolutely cover all the space surrounding BSB. BSB then perform a medley of "Time", "All i have to give" and "I want it that way" to the millions of ppl stood below them.

It is now time to end the tour and they are almost home in America. They pack up and Nick puts the radio on and does a funny dance to this song and sings along with Brian. They put their coats on while dancing and landing. They get off the plane and meet with fans then go for a press conference in Manhattan. When asked about breaking records, AJ says, "I always try to think optimistically, its not about quantity its about quality of the actual music...ahhhhh :)...I totally agree. Yet again they perform SOMH for the fans over Broadway and then its the medley of "Time", "All i have to give" and "I want it that way" again.
It is now the end of the 100 hour tour...