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Dave Matthews Band MP3
Barenaked Ladies MP3

Browse and Download all my Barenaked Ladies Mp3s at these sites-LOOK IN THE "WEB" FOLDER!

Denver, Colorado 1995(posted 1-17-00)

Song Name Size (MB) Date Comment
Life In A Nutshell 2.8 1995 Denver, Colorado
BoxSet 5.2 1995 Average Quality.
These Apples 3.1 1995 Entire Set.
Hi Everybody 1.3 1995 Talking
Blame It On Me 4.3 1995
Jane 3.5 1995
Sorry Jim 2.8 1995 Good Towels!
Enid 4.5 1995
Scared Song 5.8 1995
Hello City 3.4 1995
Alternative Girlfriend 4.9 1995
Crazy 3.2 1995
Great Provider 4.0 1995 Quality gets a bit
Shake Your Rump 4.1 1995 worse as show gets
A 4.2 1995 near the end.
If I Had $1000000 (Kraft Cereal) 8.4 1995 All I wanna do is have some fun!
Barenaked Rap 2.8 1995 I Swear...
Intermittently 1.2 1995
Brian Wilson 4.7 1995
What A Good Boy 4.9 1995