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Poem - Fear No More

(July 22, 2009)

Feelings of fear envelop my soul
As the thoughts invade
This time it’s different
This time things are simply... right
Fear invades as feelings develop
Not knowing what to expect next
But finding the thoughts that come
To be feelings of comfort
And feelings of hope
Every step of the journey
As closer things move
On a path that is aligned
Finally finding a safe zone
With arms to shelter from the storm
A rock in the abyss of chaos
That stands strong
Always there
Waiting for the time
When one is ready
To take that next step
Every time happy that they are willing
To take it with them
Every time assuring they can wait
Making things easier
As feelings develop
One finds themselves thinking and feeling
Things of which had been sworn to never come again
They had sworn never to allow again
From the pain of the past
She spreads her wings hesitantly
As one encourages her to trust
She finds them opening easier
Feeling the strength within
To take that leap
As thoughts of a new life
Have taken over
The thoughts of the past


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