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This site is dedicated to those who have 
fallen by the hand of what I like to call 
"The Dream Team" on Tallon Zek (PvP Team Server)
on Everquest. The team of professional PKers
(see killer bios) was created to do nothing 
other then PK. So if you have found your way to 
this site it means there is a 95% chance you
were another poor soul to die by one of us.

WOW What a long time since this site was updated. I have made a major decision about this site and that is to discontinue the kill shots, the ones that are up will stay up but (and I am not trying to brag) there are just far too many kill shots to keep up with we have over 300 on back up and the amount of webspace just wont permit it. However, I am leaving this site up so yuo can read about us and see updates on our progress.
Yesterday we were in Highpass all day again and we owned everybody! Thanks to the help of our final professional PKer Warrell (see killer bios) so now our elite team is complete. Anyway I lost about 3 pics due to bad cropping but for those of you who met your doom on 1-27 your failure is now public in "The Fallen" section.
Had a slow week so didn't get any PK action in until today. Today we were in Highpass all some good ones but it was slim pickins. Anyway enjoy your corpse pics for those of you who got smashed!
This update is to let you know that this page will be updated in more then 1 way. below are a list of the planned updates.
  • A full interactive display of our equipment in the killer bio's section
  • A message board so you all can post about how much you think we suck and how you think we are mega twinks etc..
  • Possible we may post duel request's for those who want to fight and are oor to us.
    It has come to my attention that the pictures taken of those who have fallen are just pictures of corpses which may lead alot of people to think that it was not our handy work that killed them all, so in that respect all the new pictures will have the Slain by... message to prove we made the kill