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The History of Voght

(Parts 1-3, 4 is half way done. No moves mentioned here I expect to have in any rpg (or transformations) I just write this for my own characters growth. Well...for you too I guess if you give half a damn about interacting with him))
((Voght's nickname is VGT, sorry for the confusion))

Bio: Voght was born on the planet Vegeta. He is the son of a Saiyan Prince, Chaos. His mother went by the name of Jenifer, she seemed rather to like the name. Voght was born at the same time as Goku, but travels at light speed slowed his aging process. When Frieza came to Vegeta to destroy it, Jenifer blasted Voght off after Goku to Earth. However, Voght was not as lucky as Goku, he was intercepted by Freiza and captured and raised on his spaceship. Voght did not have as hard a life as Vegeta on Frieza’s spaceship. In fact he was practically ignored, and often just shunned to one side. This did not mean however mean that Voght never got a chance to train, within his early teens Voght passed Vegeta’s power secretly. In face Vegeta’s power was less than half of Voght’s. Voght was getting sick of this life on the ship. He had often studied the planets and had a great knowledge of the universe. Voght decided that this time he was going to get off this hunk of junk. He decided to leave, tonight. Voght crept out of his bed that night and started his journey.
My heart raced as a distant sound sharpened my senses even further. Currently I am trying to escape from Frieza’s spaceship, I had to stay focused on my mission. Escape the ship and find a better life. Ever since I was born on my home planet of Vegeta, which was the home of the strongest fighting race in the universe, I had always had a hard life. As hard as I tried to remember I could only recall a faint, smugish picture of my parents. Of course I had studied the planet listings on the ship, it was rather vast. That is how I grew to know the saiyans true potentials and power. That was why Frieza was afraid of the survivors.
I heard it just in time, a faint *tap tap* sound. I reflexively dove to the side rolling into a near-by corridor and landed with a sound no louder than a mouse’s breath. My training had not gone to waste. A figure with pink skin and sneaky eyes walked past, it had Frieza’s armor glowing dimly in the light. As the creature passed by I recognized him instantly, Dodoria, a cruel and ruthless warrior that was one of his top soldiers. I knelt down flat against the wall as Dodoria’s heavy footprints faded into the distance. I couldn’t stay here forever, in no more than four hours time I would be discovered missing from my room. I stood up and gave the corridor I was in one last look around and as fast as I could, snuck around the corner and half ran-half walked down the still hall. The blue ominous paint that coated the inner walls of the ship was used as a coating against things ‘sticking’ to them. I wasn’t sure if I quite believed this, but I didn’t have the authority to question it. Having been there since as long as I could remember I had been raised on this ship.
My uncle Vegeta of course was also on this ship, however Frieza kept him busy with destroying planets and such. Frieza, however, ignored me which in my case was lucky. This did not however stop me and Vegeta from having a good spar or even a game of cards. I stepped around the next bend and though of Vegeta for a moment. Vegeta was always a hard ass, but he seemed to act a little nicer towards me, as if he felt sorry...I swept the thought from my mind. My head hurt from the concept, it was crazy. I leaned against the wall and my hand fell in one of the many ventilation holes in them, I quickly withdrew it. I started to move again when as soon as I turned the corner the alarm started to blaze throughout the ship.
“Damn it!” They must have realized I was gone sooner then I thought. I sprinted down the hall, I was close to the pod launching bay. The ventilation holes in the walls sealed up and the air got extremely thin. Yellow gas seeped in through the ceiling, having little time to think I used my ki energy to propel myself out of the hall and into the connecting one as the doors slammed behind me. Voices came from a distance as I stood and hot in my fighting position. Three low-class warriors rounded the corner, ki shooters in hand, let loose a round of ki blasts at me. I didn’t have much time to react but I was fast, I dove under the blasts and rolled forward. Pushing off my heel I rocketed toward the closest warrior bringing my knee to the warriors chin. As my knee connected I felt the warriors chin collapse and I felt bone shatter. The warrior fell to the ground his head hitting on the floor with a cracking sound. That warrior was not going to be getting up anytime soon. I still had time, I saw in slow motion the other two warriors turn, they where not ready to fire again. They where not fast enough, with a blurring motion I brought my heel down hard on the left warrior’s knee , and I grinned as I heard bone snap. The warrior dropped to one knee in shock. I now turned my full attention to the last warrior, he was in firing position. This time I wasn’t fast enough, the warrior fired it directly at my face, any second now my face would be fried. Instinctively I brought up a hand and the ki blasts flew into the wall hitting it and disappearing. A grin flickered across my face as I brought my hand to the warriors face, “Bye.” I let loose a huge ki beam from my hand and it slammed into the warrior head disintegrating it. The body went limp and slumped to the ground. I let out a sigh and lowered my hand as I looked around and turned my attention to the warrior still moaning in agony from his leg. I bent down and grabbed him around his neck.
“Where is the surgical bay?!” The warrior pointed in the opposite direction of the pod bay. More footsteps could be heard and I hastily said “Do not tell anyone!” I rose a hand and a flash emitted from it blinding the warrior, and sprinted toward the pod bay. After sneaking around for another five minutes (which wasn’t hard because everyone was searching around the surgical bay) I found myself inside the pod bay. It seemed empty, but it was too dark for me to rely on my eyes. I strained my ear but only heard the distance sounds of the alarms going crazy. I held my breath as I shuffled along the wall towards the nearest pod launching station. It all happened very suddenly, the lights flashed on and a cold laugh issued through the bay. Frieza was hovering no more than 10 feet away from me. I froze, my heart skipping a beat as I stared at Frieza in his pod.
“You really did not think it would be that easy did you?” Frieza laughed, which angered me. “Let me go Frieza! You don’t need me anymore, and I just take up space!” Frieza chuckled and turned on the green scouter from his face. It blinked a few times and then stopped. “My Vgt what a low power level.” Frieza had the smile of a child who just found where all the candy was hidden. I went from an uncertain look to a sly grin. “You know nothing...” I doubled over and started to power up “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” My powerlevel tripled and a white aura burst in around me as I stared evily at Frieza with hate. Frieza’s scouter exploded, but he did not even flinch. He did however raise a finger and powered up higher than I could even imagine. “What?!” I didn’t even see the beam hit my gut, but I damn wall felt it. My white aura vanished and I hit the cold floor bleeding and spasiming as a pool of blood leaked on to the floor out of my gut and mouth.
Frieza lowered his finger in surprise as Dodoria appeared from behind me. He grinned and said with a laugh “Well looks as if he wasn’t all that tough.” Frieza looked angrily at Dodoria as if he just shot the winning basket that Frieza should have shot. “Dodoria! Clean up this mess then report to the command room!” Frieza snapped his fingers and dissapeard leaving Dodoria quite shaken. Dodoria glared at me as I laid on the ground and he kicked me. He touched a button on the nearby control panel and radioed for a cleaning crew to come in and clean up. He left as I laid on the ground, motionless. I bent my fingers very slowly, I rolled over knowing that I did not have a lot of time until the cleaning crew arrived. I was weakened, extremely weakened. I knew I had maybe five minutes before the cleaning crew arrived. My face was cold with sweat, I forced myself to stand my whole body refusing to so much as breathe. I managed to stand and I limped towards the nearest docking pod. I laid back the cool seats sticking to my wound as I weakly pushed in the command keys to take me to the nearest inhabitable planet. The pod gave a lurch and rocketed into space. Just after I had left four green men entered the room and , they vaporized the blood and talked for a minute on who they killed this time. After a few minutes they radioed up to Frieza “Everything is taken care of Lord Frieza.” As I blasted through space towards an unknown planet, I left the spaceship behind. Everyone thinking I was dead.
Three years later
I sat alone in a bar on a planet in the north quadrant. The planet was called Yardat, and I rather liked it. I paid the bartender and left the bar into the night. The memories of my last encounter with Frieza was vivid in my memory but the wounds hurt still. Even though I had fully recovered from the wounds I was much weaker then than, weaker then Vegeta now. I shook my head as I walked in the cold night, Vegeta I hope you don’t make the mistake I did. I was found crashed and unconscious on a planet far out on the less inhabited half of the quadrant. The yardations felt my appearance from far off and knew that I was either lost, or hurt. They where right. I found them to be highly intelligent species, with vast technology. I stopped and took a left turn, my pod was not far off now. Suddenly my scouter flickered and a burst of static followed by a voice I had not heard before. “Yes...Earth...Saiyan...” a loud static noise followed, I strained my ear. “Kakkarot...yes Lord Frieza.” The channel died and my eyes widened and I stopped moving completely. “” I ran to my space pod and activated my planet database. Earth was in this quadrant, inhabited by a week race. Humans: rather weak and fragile, they would easily be taken over. However, there is one thing that was bothering me. there where more of us more than just me and my uncle. I sat in my pod and set the coordinates to Earth. I would reach the planet in just a few days time. As the engines flared up and the pod flew out into space towards Earth. I blinked slowly thinking. I thought for a moment and my eyes snapped open. I stared out into open space and said “Kakkarot...I hope you are more prepared than I was.”

The History of VGT Part 2
Previously Vgt had escaped from Frieza’s spaceship wounded from Dodoria. He lived on planet Yardat for some time, three years to be exact. He had taken a copy of the planet database from the ship. He knew a great many things about the universe, even though he understood half of it. Now, as he speeds towards Earth to learn more of Frieza’s plan; he happens to notice something unusual.
I sat alone in my space pod. I had been traveling for four days now, I was estimated to reach Earth in twenty minutes. I had kept a constent ear open to the frequency. Radditz, one of Frieza’s henchmen who was a Saiyan was heading for Earth.
I hated that long haired bastard. He made it a game to kick me around, lucky for me he was weak. No higher than 1500 powerlevel, he would not be a threat. I flexed and then I remembered how weak I was. I was weaker than him now! I gave myself a mental kick. How could I forget?! I needed to find Kakkarot first, maybe he could help me.
He was a Saiyan afterall. I looked up and saw Earth in the distance. It grew larger every minute, it was a very beautiful planet. A system announced that I had five minutes to approximated landing time. I set up the necessary procautions for the landing. I had to move fast, I will have arrived ten minutes after Radditz.
I hope that he won’t find Kakkarot in that amount of time. He probably wouldn’t, but you never know. I entered the atmosphere and landed hard in the middle of a mountainous region. I climbed out of my space pod and stood up straight. I turned on my scouter and scanned for powerlevels. There where many weaker onces, but there where three that stood out. Two of them where under 500 and one was 1200. Radditz it seemed has grown weaker since we last met, good. The one that was Radditz was very close to one of the powers, too close. Was that Kakkarot? Nope, Radditz moved away from it.
I breathed a sigh of relief, but almost instantly my heart froze. Radditz was coming towards me.
I looked around for a place to hid, anywhere! Unfortunatly for me there was no place in the near area to hide. As I flew up into the air to get away from this place; I saw Radditz blasting towards me in the distance. He came within five feet of me and stopped. He landed on the ground slowly and stared up at me. “Well, well what do we have here...” Radditz looked at me for a moment and then laughed a hearty laugh. “So, it seems that Lord Frieza didn’t kill you afterall!” He was still chuckling to himself and then looked me dead serious in the eye. “Well Vgt, today is a good day for me. I get to bring Kakkarot back to the loyal Saiyans. You know what else I get to do Vgt? Kill you, the traitor!” I started to grow angry with this stupidity and I glared up at Radditz. “That’s what you think, you will be lucky to even reach Kakkarot!” I put both my arms to my sides and powered up to my maximum level that I could. Radditz scanned my power and grinned. “You where always a weak fool. This time you shall die for it.” Radditz stepped back and powered up as well. “We shall see...”
I watched Radditz closely as he got into his fighting position. I decided to play this a little safer than usual. I started to gather ki in the palm of my hand when Radditz pounced into the air. He rushed down and planted his foot right on my forehead. I fell back and swore slowly as I took the ki I had charged and fired a ki beam at Radditz. He put one hand out in front of him and grabbed onto the ki beam and merely pushed it to the side. It flew up into the sky and as I watched it Radditz came in and kneed me right in the gut. I doubled over in pain, but I reacted by swiveling around and triping Radditz from the ankle. He fell and landed on one hand. He shoved his foot upwards and it smacked into my face and I flew up into the air. He appeard above me and double-axed me to the ground. As my face slammed into the ground I rolled to the side and Radditz who was aiming to punch me hard missed and slammed his fist through the ground. He got up and glared at me. “Ok then, this is it!” He started to gather ki in his palms, and I knew I had to act quickly. I rushed in and pulled my right leg from around my body and connected my heel to Radditz’s chin in a succesful roundhouse. His head jerked and he went flying into the ground. He rubbed his chin as he stood up, but by the time he saw me I had already charged up a Gallet-Gun. As he stared at me his eyes widened as my whole body vibrated with purple electricity. As the ki ball grew slowly in my hand I conentrated right on Radditz’s forehead. There was just one problem; Radditz was gone. I turned around and there he was. He extended one hand and fired one huge ki blast at me. I didn’t have time to think of what to do. “Gallet-gun fire!!” I thrusted my hands in front of me and the energy I had gathered erupted from my hands and flew at Radditz. I could see that Radditz didn’t expect what happened next. The Gallet-Gun completely took over his ki beam and snapped it right back at him. It hit him square in the chest and a great explosion happened and Radditz vanished. I stared at the spot where Radditz had been for a moment and then relaxed. I laughed hard and said to myself,
“Looks as if it isn’t your lucky day!” I turned around and walked with a spring in my step to my space pod. Suddenly all I could feel was something cold and hard slamming into the back of my skull. I fell forward in a heap on the ground. My head rolled onto my shoulder as I laid on the ground. Radditz was laughing, a laugh that chilled me to the bone. “Well, I thought of something better to do with you!” He grabbed me around the neck and threw me into my space pod. He punched a few buttons on the control panel and said in an evil whisper. “I’m sure that Lord Frieza will be pleased to see you.” I still couldn’t move any part of my body besides my eyes. The pod door slowly slid shut as Radditz blasted off in a direction to the South. My pod shook and it blasted off into space. My thoughts returned to what Radditz had said, I sure did not like that idea. What he basically said was that I was heading straight for Frieza. My scouter was cracked right down the middle, and it was more than likely broken. I moved my eyes to where the coordinates where. I had more than a year of travel ahead of me? That didn’t seem right at all. Radditz must have suspected that Frieza was still in this part of the galaxy, and I would be traveling for only a couple of hours. After only half an hour, which seemed like forever...I could actually move my arm partially. I raised it weakly and punched in a few of my quick command keys. The space pod stopped and bursted its thrusters in a different direction. I had to re-group, I had to collect myself and train. So I headed for Yardat. I raised my hand again and tapped a button on my scouter, nothing. I set it to the side. Since I had a couple of days time I figured that I had better rest up. I closed my eyes and leaned back into my seat and fell asleep.
Time seemed to pass faster than usual on planet Yardat. I had a new scouter, this one was red. It tinted everything I saw through my right eye red. I had picked up seceral messaged about what happened after I had left Earth. Radditz and Kakkarot where both killed in a struggle. Now I had information that both my uncle and another Saiyan elite where going to collect the dragonballs on Earth. I of course knew about the dragonballs, it was in the list of index that I took from Frieza’s ship. It was claimed to be a myth, but I had a hunch. I approximated that I had maybe one year Earth time to train. I swore to train, I couldn’t fight Vegeta at my low powerlevel. So, I spent the next eleven months in hard training. I learned various techniques from the Yardations. I would also meditate for long hours. I sharpened my old techniques and mastered my new ones. I improved my speed and strength greatly. Now that I faced the fact that I had to go to Earth and fight my uncle Vegeta. I did not want to, but I knew I had to. Or did I? I actually did not think that I had to. I could feel Kakkarots power, he was in the next demention. It was greater than what I would have guessed. Sure it wasn’t a power like mine, but what did you expect form a low level? However, maybe Vegeta wouldn’t kill Kakkarot. I figured I might as well just accept that shit happens. It would be best without my interuption. It would prove that I was still alive, and I didn’t think about revealing that just abour now. So, instead of going to Earth as I had planned; I was going to go exploring and try to find something. I didn’t konw what was calling out to me, but I had to find somehting out there in the universe. It was crazy, and I probably was going to find nothing and people would die for my incident. I just had that feeling...and I damn well wouldn’t ignore it. I silently hoped that everything would work itself out and I got into my space pod. I brought up my planet database up and scanned for planets that could support life and had a strong gravity. It brought up a list of planet and I specified my search more. At least 8X the gravity of Yardat.
It came up with two planets. One was in the South part of the galaxy. The other one was relativly next door. Thirty-five hundered lightyears. Closer than Earth, but in the other direction. I figured that starting my search there would be a good start. I punched in the coordinates and the space pod shuddered and rocketed towards the planet. Its name was not classified in the database. Apparently nobody put any thought into it. If they could put any thought into anything besides killing things that was. I would think of a personal name for it later, but not now. I set back and rested knowing that I was probably making a huge mistake. My thoughts slowed as I drifted off to sleep to the sound of the thrusters. Little did I know that I would in fact find what I had secretly been searching for. I was heading right for what would be known as the single biggest surprise of my life. As I slept traveling towards the mysterious planet; I was dreamless. All I knew was that I was going in the right direction, and even if I didn’t know what it was. I was going to find it.

The History of V.G.T. Part 3:

A siren was sounding somewhere...but from where? I tried to move and realized that all my limbs where pinned down. I pulled at them...nothing. I stared around at my surroundings. I was in a room or rather what LOOKED like a room. It seemed to stretch on for infinite. It was a ominous shade of green. It glowed reflectively against the light that seemed to fill the room from no where. As the siren drummed into my ears the room fell black. A shock rushed through my body and I let out a yell as the searing pain started to numb my body. I couldn't take this much longer...and in fact I didn't.
My eyes snapped open and I was in my spaceship. I wiped the beads of sweat off my face and looked around. A red light overhead was flaring as the siren sounded. I pushed a few buttons on the control panel for a diagnostic scan. It came up saying that thruster two was getting low on energy. I re routed the power from thruster one to thruster two and equalized it. That persistent red light refused to stop flashing however. I ran another check of the system and it came up as clean. I checked the navigation course and a red warning sign poped up. It read Entering planetary atmosphere... I checked out the big window that covered 1\3 of the spacepod. Nothing...what the hell was going on? I ran another scan of the navigation course and sure enough I was in the right spot to be entering the planetary atmosphere. I checked out the window but I didn't see anything.

Piece of shit... I slammed my fist into the light and it shattered. As glass specked the seat and the upper pot of my body it appeared as if my system was whacked. I silently swore at the techs of Yardat. They weren’t that bright with machinery. I checked my portable database and scanned for where the planet should be. A little orange planet appeared in my palm from my mini projectory system. I double checked the coordinates that I was at and then stared back into the orb in my hand. Sure enough there was supposed to be a planet here. I ran a scan for anything close by and it detected three disturbances. Seems as if there where unnatural ripples in the waves of particles that made up space. There was one unknown substance drifting in the vacuum close to my position. Then there where two near by planets. I ran a quick check to see if there was anything else. There appeared to be nothing. I ran a last glimpse across the data results from the unknown object. Nothing came up about that source of metal.
Either it was from unknown race's standard battle cruiser or it was some drifting piece of a stellar star. I blew it off and searched for that other planet that supposedly drew me to its location. It was exactly 24 parsecs south of my location. I lined it up with my scanner and realized that it was just around the same area as that hunk of junk. I re set my coordinates and the thrusters gave a lurch and turned the ship south. It blasted off and set up a numerous amount of technical flight data. From what the readings said it would take me less than an hour to reach that planet. I stared at the time signature and then I flicked on the hardware listings. I read down the list. Everything seemed to be in the same shape when I left Yardat except for two things.

Of course one of these little dilemmas was thruster two. It appeared as if some piece of drifting stellar star piece had stuck the man thruster and cut into the fuel supply for it. I sealed it and continued searching down the list. The other odd part about the lineup was the engine. It read ***Unkown*** Running at 32X speed normal propulsion. Maybe those Yardats did know what they where doing afterall. I leaned back staring into the Vacuum of space as stars drifted by. Or rather what the apparent magnitude of the stars where. It amazed me how much I seemed to know; yet didn't understand. To pass the time I searched through some of the space documents. Keeping a regular check on all the systems. I also kept a very close eye on the planet and that piece of metal. I double checked my equipment and triple checked it. I organized my somewhat messy order of files. As I lifted a folder and slid it back into place with the rest a report fell out. The report read as follows.
Year: 768 A.D. Place: Planet Vegeta. Report on special follow up mission to take the planet Yullan. Main Document: Three days ago planetary movement was studied about the 'mysterious' movements of planets. Reports indicate that planets are 'warped' to various places of the galaxy with no explanation at all. Frieza had been said to be behind this but evidence can not be found to back these facts. There where a few scribbles and then a long crooked line. It appeared as if someone didn't get to finish their report. I put it aside and realized that I had just 10 minutes to reach the planet. I checked my equipment again and made sure that all comm channels where secured. I looked up and saw the planet. I however did not see that strange thing I had detected earlier. I ran a scan and found that instead of one big floating piece there where many.

Something had blown it to pieces. I wondered what kind of destructive power could blow something of that proportion to pieces. I had a horrible feeling that I was soon going to find out. I silently retreated to the only place where I was alone. My mind. I tried to keep myself busy so I wouldn't have to think, and of course for good reason. First reason was that I really had nothing to think about. Second was that if I did think I would probably think of the conflict on Earth and how the turnout might be.
I shook my head slightly and ruffled through some papers about reports of conquered planets. After a minute of organizing them I looked out the pod's main window. There it was...and I felt as if something was drawing me here. I didn't know what at the time but I figured it would probably be for the better. I shut down the thrusters and angled for entry to the planets atmosphere. I sat back and checked my equipment again. Why was I acting so nervous? Did I expect something to happen. Hell yea...and I planned it to be either really good or really bad. Either way I was still going. As the pod started to enter the planets atmosphere it gave a lurch as it entered the planet. It had a case of free fall for a minute and then slammed right into the middle of a tropical forest.

It hissed open and de comppreasurrized the air. I put my scouter on and took a ki blaster. I hooked the weapon onto my right arm and set it to a low level of kill. It would take care of anything small, but if I ran into something really strong or really big this would be useless. I turned on my scouter and it scanned for power levels in the area. It came up with several very weak ones and something happened that never happened before.
It read ERR #35 I glared at it and wondered for a moment. Error 35 was the automatic shut off error that if it detected a REALLY high powerlevel that it wouldn't read it for fear of over loading. Most Saiyans generally took this one out of the list of default error signs because they thought it looked cool if their scouters blew up. I stopped in my tracks and wondered what type of being could produce that much power. Shit...seems this is going to be a little harder then I thought... I continued moving towards that power slowly sneaking along the forest floor. I met nothing on the way to the power. It was almost if all the other beings on the planet gave this monster a wide space. Where they afraid...hell I would be. It started raining; adding on to the cold bitter night.

I silently swore that this better be worth it or I am REALLY going to get angry. In the distance a light flickered. I raised my ki blaster and pointed it where I saw the light. Nothing moved except with the wind and the rain. I was already soaked from head to toe by now and didn't really feel as if I wanted to stand out in the middle of the storm much longer. I kept moving and kept a close eye on my surrounding. I walked for maybe another ten minutes not seeing anything out of the ordinary. That is until I reached a huge entrance to a cave. It was a huge cave possibly 30 feet to the ceiling. It was possibly 100 feet wide this was just at the entrance too. I bent over and stared at the ground as something funny happened.

The water didn't go inside the cave. It seemed to flow away from the cave. Even if it was downhill the water still moved uphill. This was getting weird. I prodded a finger slowly into the cave. No barrier...was the water scared to go in there?! Ok this is getting stupid. So nothing lives in this cave except one thing. Stop making yourself paranoid! I took what will power I had and stepped into the cave. It warmed instantly the air filled with raw energy. It was dry too...I liked that. A noise down the cave which sounded something unworldly brought me back to my senses. I changed my ki shooter to its maximum level of kill.
I kept it in the upright position and half crouched I walked down the cave. The air grew thicker as it started to become harder to breath through my nose. I opened my mouth and inhaled letting the thick air travel into my lungs. As I walked deeper the gravity seemed to get more intense and the heat was rising. I was already dry infact...I stared down and slapped my leg. Sure enough I was just as dry as when I was in my spacepod. I crept along the silent tunnel jumping at every little sound that came from the tunnel depths. Unfortunately for me there where only one or two which wasn't reassuring. As the light and gravity intensified I stepped into a large domed room. I scanned the room quickly and found it empty. I stepped into the room and instantly the gravity tripled and dragged me to the ground.

I got slowly up to my feet straining against the weight that was pushing down against me. This must be the planet's core. I turned my head around and saw that the room was infact some type of training facility. It was neatly organized and that at the least was scary. A strong and smart monster...this could get tricky. I trudged my way down to the bottom of the room. It had an impression of it of something very bug and very heavy slamming into the ground. As I reached the lowest part of the cave I realized something just a little too late. Someone was watching me...and out of the darkness of the shadows they spoke.
"Well...seems as if I have company." The voice seemed familiar in my mind but I couldn't put a finger on it. The figure stepped out of the shadows and it took all I could muster not to fall over in shock. It was King Vegeta, or someone that looked allot like him. I stood standing and faced the warrior. He grinned at me and lazily walked towards me. His gait was slow and elaborate it was as if he was in 0 gravity. This was technically the walk that people got when they trained in 0 gravity for too long.
For instance I had the same type of walk. Looked flashy. As the warrior approached I took a step back and my knee collapsed. I fell on one knee and the warrior laughed a cold hard laugh. "You don't even know my name yet you are already bowing down to my power. You are one smart kid." He came right up to me and I stared into the warriors cold gaze. In a fluid motion he bent down and glared into my eyes. He stared for a long time, and I didn't dare move.
After what seemed like an eternity he grinned. " finally came." He stood up and offered me a hand. "Welcome to your new son." I did probably would be one of the biggest double takes in the history of my life. I fell back and hit the ground hard. My heart raced as I started to back up on my hands. " lie!" As I backed up my back hit something cold and hard. I had backed right into one of the big pieces of machinery that lined the inside of the cave. The warrior looked as if he was mildly surprised at my act.
"You call me a liar kid? You are weaker then I had hoped you would be." He took a step forward and grabbed the rim of my collar. He lifted me into the air and threw me across the room. As I flew across the room my mind raced with ideas about what the hell was going on. No sooner had I thought anything then I hit the hard rock of the wall. I slumped over and fell out of the impression I had made. I fell to the ground and twitched slightly from the force from where I was slung into the wall. The warrior walked in his slow manner towards me. I stood using the energy I still held onto. A few bones seemed to have cracked down various points of my back where I had been flung into the wall. I raised my right arm with the ki blaster in it and let loose a constant volley of ki bombs.
As they started to pummel the man he slowly disappears in light and smoke. I kept the ki blaster firing rapidly and a warning light sounded on it. It flared red as it overheated and automatically shut itself down. I grabbed and braced my arm as I gathered ki into my palm at an alarming fast rate. It swelled and grew in size by the second. I aimed it right where the dust was finally starting to settle. In a burst of golden light the whole room was engulfed by a sonic boom. The mear force of the energy that erupted in the room sent me flying back into the wall. This time though my head made contact and my neck snapped forward and there was a definite crack.
I fell to the ground and tried to move. I couldn't move anything. My body started to seize up into shock. My mind started to feel very heavy as did my eyelids. Was this death? It felt allot nice then I had imagined. My vision blurred as I grinned. Then everything went black and I thought no more. It had been some time since I had found myself conscious. I was in a room that looked vaguely familiar. I tried to remember where I had seen it before when suddenly a burst of electricity surged through my body. I let out a yell as all my muscles in my body screamed in protest to the pain. I tried to get away from the pain. I moved my arm and found it locked firmly into place on the contraption I was locked on. Another burst of electric energy shot through me.
My body started to seize up as my tail flailed wildly around. It wrapped itself around my waist and started to squeeze. After a few more seconds of the electric burst it stopped. I took this moment to recollect my thought and try and prepare my body for the next burst. I had never felt this kind of burn through my body before.
It shook me right to the bone. I waited for a moment but when nothing came I let out a sigh. A door to my right that I hadn't noticed before opened and again the mysterious warrior walked into the room. Over his shoulder he slung all my equipment he laid them on a table not too far away from the door. He laid it out and looked at it for a moment. He took out a little red control and pushed a button on it. Another burst of electric energy hit my body like a cold piece of steel driving down my spine.
I screamed again as my whole body tensed up. I fell into a type of seizure and even after the shocking had stopped I kept shaking violently. I slowed as my heart felt as if it would explode. The blood beat in my ears relentlessly as my body started to cool down. "So...I see that you aren’t used to electricy. Don't worry kid you will be once I am through with you. You won't even feel it if lightning strikes you."
He placed the remote on the table and turned to face me. He walked up to me and without warning reached up and grabbed my chin. He moved my head to the side and stared me over. He turned it the other way and again examined it. He drew his hand away and started to speak again. "You had so much talent when you where a baby. I can't believe what has come upon you." He took a step back and I pulled against my restraints. I lunged as far forward as I could but all I got in return was being slammed back. A small metallic ring came out and wrapped itself around my neck. It kept my head in place as the warrior stepped closer. "It has been forever since I have seen you didn't exactly turn out how I expected however." He walked up and flicked my nose.
"That nose of yours is a little narrow..." He circles around the back of the machine and yanks on my tail. "Tail is a little funky too." He walks around to face me again. "You see Voght you never really did strike me as someone impure." My eyes widened at the mention of my birth name. "W...what did you call me??" He laughed and waved me quiet. "Shut up kid I already told you I was your father...don't tell me you doubted me..." I closed my mouth and stared at the floor. Suddenly without warning a fist came screaming into my ribcage. I exhaled as my eyes tried to fly out of my head. A felt a definite sound of ribs smashing to pieces. I felt one of my lungs partially collapse as I strained against my restraints.
I relaxed and tried hurt. As my breath grew ragged I looked up and saw Chaos staring at me with a grin. "Well kid seems you have a loooong way to go." He got right in my face and raised his hand. In a swift motion he snapped me in the neck and everything went black. I feel into an uneasy sleep if that is what you could call it. I was roughly shaken and I felt myself waking up. I kept my eyes shut not wanting to open them. However, a fist into my chin snapped them open. There was a bright light that I was looking up into. I squinted trying to get my eyes adjusted to the light. A face loomed infront of the light and my eyes sure did play tricks on me with the lighting in and out. "Well...are you up yet kid?!" The face focused in and it was still that man. "What the hell do you want?"
I wish I hadn't said that. I didn't see a fist but I felt something hard slam into my shoulder smashing the bones in it. I screamed out in pain and my eyes forced shut. "Stop crying boy be lucky I don't do more." He walked over and picked up what looked like a ki blaster off the side of my left leg. I looked around the room in the brief moments I had to take in what I was staring at. My Saiyan armor was hanging on a wall with a big hole in it and what looked oddly enough like blood stains. I glanced down at my chest which was now bare against the brutal light. I didn't see any holes in my flesh but it did look oddly misplaced. My ribcage was obviously broken in many places. Ribs where pointed in odd angles and some where broken in half and pointing two completely different ones. My breathing slowed as my heart sped up. The man took the device he had and after twiddling with a few of the buttons on it he returned.
"You see what happens when you get punished." He motioned to my ribcage and then took held up the device. "This is quite primitive but it should help. It will be painful so deal with it." He pushed it into my neck and a thin projectile shot itself into my bloodstream.
I lost track of it as the man brutally drew the object from my neck and then returned to stare me in the face. "You see now your body's bones won't break that easily when under pressure." He lifted a hand and tapped my good shoulder that was still intact. "Of course that doesn't mean that they won't break." He brought his fist up and in a blur of motion slams his fist hard into my shoulder.
My body started screaming in pain as the bone practically exploded under the blow of the man. Blood vessels collapsed and my arm went numb as I stared at it flatten out in disbelief and pain. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to block out the pain. "Stop crying kid and just makes sure you don't embarrass yourself." He got up and walked over to a door and pushed a few buttons. "W...wait Who are you...?" I said weakly and he turned again. "I already said I was your father what more do you want?
"If you want my name it is currently Chaos. Now shut the hell up!" He turned and left the room leaving me alone with my pain. I rested my head back and tried not to think about the pain. Or really about anything except my father. I had always thought that my family would be a little more...well happy?
No that wasn't the right word I never really thought that much about my family. It wasn't exactly a subject that came up frequently where I had been. None of my memories seemed to be happy, and now that I had met my father I didn't realize that maybe this was how every life was. Maybe even...I was lucky to have a life like this? I didn't know what people where like. At least not people outside of Frieza's group. I laid back as a stinging pain filled my spin.
My body grew cold as my breathing slowed. My eyes seemed to want to close on there own. I tried to keep them open, but I knew I was just going to waste my energy. I let my will take over and feel into a very disturbing sleep. My eyes snapped open and once again I found myself in that green room that seemed to go on forever. This time there was a figure however. It stood partially hidden in the shadows. It was leaning against the left wall about 10 feet from where I was bound. "You don't seem to understand fully what you have done do you?" The figure pushed itself off the wall and came into the light. Even though I was staring right into the face I couldn't make it out. "What are you talking about?" The figure walked closer still having a blurred picture around its face.
"What do you think will happen to you now that you have been caught from the fiery pits of Hell itself? I hope you really don't expect to be allowed in this dimension." It laughed to itself a scratchy laugh. "Of foolish of me. It isn't really up to you is it?" I furrowed my brow. "What the hell are you talking about?" The figure stopped frozen as if I was mad. "I am talking about foolish kid." My vision started to blur again. I tried to shake the feeling but it overcame me.
I shut my eyes trying to shake the feeling. I looked up and saw a bright light. I was back in a laying position in the room I was in before I fell asleep. "What the hell..." I pulled at my restraints that held me to the table. As my arms tugged against
the bindings I looked down realizing that I could move them. They where completely restored. I looked at my chest and sure enough all my ribs where back in place. I took a deep breath relaxing as the memory of pain fluttered away. I closed my eyes and a whirring sound rang throughout the room. "So...I see you are up kid. About damn time
too you’ve been out for nearly 6 months." My eyes opened and I stared over at the speaker. It was Chaos. "6 months?? What do you mean?" He walked over to the side of the table and looked coldly into my eyes. "I mean just what I said boy now you better just shut up before I shut you up!"
He left and walked over to a table on the far side of the room that hadn't been there before. He ruffled through some papers and took out what looked like a scouter. It was flat older version of a scouter maybe? I was about to find out because Chaos was walking in my direction and flipped a switch on the device. It was round and had a little red meter on the front. When he flipped it on it started flying all over the place.
He adjusted a knob on the top and it stayed right on the middle. He flicked it and it stayed in the same spot. He smiled and lowered it down onto the table. "Ok kid do me a favor and power up." I just stared at him for a moment and then he raised a fist and faced his palm at me. A little yellow spot of ki started to form in his palm. "Do it!" I exhaled and started to rise my power. The little red needle started to fly everywhere for a moment and then settled a few inches to the right of the middle. Chaos frowned and
tapped the device. When it didn't move he slammed his fist into it and it shattered on the table with little metallic bits flying everywhere. "Damn it! You are so weak!" He walked over to me and ripped off the bindings holding me to the table. "Get up! If we try this now at your level we will get screwed over! C'mon we are going to train!"

I raised myself off the table my muscles aching from not being moved in half a year. Amazingly enough I seemed to have more power then I had come with. I walked over and grabbed my Saiyan armor off the wall and slipped it on. I followed Chaos out the door making sure not to speak. I didn't want to speak out of fear for getting the crap kicked out of me. I looked on the left and right sides of the dimly lit hall looking for any means of escape. From what I could see nothing presented itself to me. We walked out into the main dome where I had been the first time I had come here. The room seemed more badly damaged then it had when I first saw it.

Chaos walked into the middle of the room and activated one of the machines. The gravity suddenly got intense. My legs buckled and I slammed into the ground on both knees. I tried to raise my head as I hear Chaos moving towards me. I felt a hand grip my head and lift me off the ground. "What? Too tough for ya?" He glared at me. "You will NOT slow me down that much now stand up!" He dropped me and I hit the ground almost instantly. I tried to stand my legs screaming in protest. I rose slowly the gravity threatening to throw me in a state of unconsciousness. "Get up you weakling! You grew up too soft!"
A foot flew through the air and caught me in the gut. I flew a few feet up in the air and skidded back down hard onto the ground. My face snapped into the floor and drove the bridge of my nose about two centimeters back into my head. I let out a scream and rolled onto my back grabbed my nose as it bled freely onto the ground. "You have five seconds before I decide to kill you." I pushed up against the gravitational force of the room as my blood fell to the floor and as it hit it made holes in the ground.

I rose to my feet and straightened my back. The weight of my Saiyan armor pushed hard on my shoulders. In protest my bones started cracking under the pressure. I bent over slightly and threw my armor off of me using my ki. It flew maybe half a foot and slammed into the ground making a meter deep impression into the ground. Chaos looked at my attempts to stand as he started stretching without any trouble. "What are you doing? Put that back on!" He glared up at me a threatening look. I felt as if my bones where made out of lead. My body almost reactively fell onto the ground and I reached out for my armor. I lifted it slowly with both hands and put it over my head. I pushed it back and it zoomed down slamming into my shoulders making my right collar bone snap in two. I screamed and felt the pain start to take hold of me.

I tried to stand again as the armor dug into my shoulder. I felt the bone slice through my skin and felt it scrap against my armor. As blood slowly oozed out of the wound it rolled down the inside of my armor and dripped out the bottom. A drop fell through the air and slammed into my boot. It dented the metal in and pushed into my foot.
I ignored the pain that shot through my body as more blood fell to the floor. Chaos was watching me with a blank expression on his face. "You know what if you where just going to kill yourself then you should just leave. I will hunt you down and kill you later!" I stared up at him as my nose continued to bleed as the bone in my shoulder tore through muscles. I raised to a full standing position ignoring the searing pain that filled my body. I stared at Chaos and let out a half grin. "Ok then...what now?" I felt as if my knees would give out if I stood for too much longer. Chaos grinned and walked over to me. He raised one hand and brought it slamming down onto my left knee. It gave out under the pressure as the bone shredded out the back of my knee. I screamed and fell on my back holding my leg and slammed into the ground making a decent sized hole. Chaos bent down and laughed at me.

"You are too soft. I should kill you now you weak bastard. You are lucky today." As my head was screaming with pain I felt as if something inside of my peaked. My adrenaline is what I could think of. Lucky...? Today was lucky?! I almost killed myself! He walked over to the machine and flipped a switch on it. The gravity returned to normal and walked over to me. He bent down again and picked my up from the waist and slung me over his shoulder. "This is just the beginning of your new life. I hope you enjoy it." He started to laugh insanely as if this was funny. This was hell...I left the life of slavery to a life of torture. My body filled with pain and bleeding freely to the floor. I didn't really want to live this life. Did I have a choice?
My eyes stung and I closed them. I felt myself get put onto a table and then I fainted into an uneasy rest. It seemed as if I should get used to was my new life afterall. Even if it was full of pain. I awoke some days later finding my body completely healed again. I stared in amazement as I sat up that my nose was back in the right position. My leg was in complete working order and my shoulder blade was back together. I stood and looked around. I took in the whole of the room now that I could see it properly. I was sitting on a silver table in the middle of a huge room.

There was a machine in the corner it looked as if you where to be strapped up to it when it was in use. There was a hexagonal door on the far side room. There where two more tables which had various equipment on them.
I looked around the room and saw that my clothes where messily piled on the edge of the big table I was just on. I walked over and suited up. I looked around the room one last time and saw that nothing had changed about it. I walked over to the door and as I approached it a little red light on the side blinked to green and it slid open. I walked out into the hall that I was in the other day. I marched down the now brightly lit hallway and saw various objects suspended in air. I didn't know any of them. I walked past not wanting to know what half of them where for. I was infront of another door and it slid open as well. I was back in the big dome room that seemed to have doorways leading off in all directions.

Chaos was in the middle of it under one of the machines with a few tools at his side. I could hear silent cursing and clicking as he seemed to work on the machine. I walked around to the nearest door and it ping a warning and a voice sounded over the speaker. "Warning! Your DNA structure does not allow you to enter this part of the complex. Please back away from the door." I fell back in surprise and Chaos rolled out from under the machine and glared at me. He stood up and in a flash appeared next to me. "What the hell are you doing!?" He grabbed me around the neck and lifted me into the air and slammed me hard into the wall.
"You NEVER go in that room! Do you understand me!" I nodded weakly my lungs freezing up in fear. He let me go and I leaned against the wall breathing hard. He turned and stormed back to the machine and continued working on it. I slid to the ground and tried to catch my breath as I wondered silently what was in that room. I stood up after a minute and walked to another door in the room. It slid open with no warning bell or siren. I stepped in and felt a chill come over my body. I instinctively brought my hand up to my arm and rubbed it making the friction warm it.
I stared around the room and saw that it was covered in ice. The walls where frozen and so was everything around the room. A machine in the corner had lights flashing on it. I walked over to it and read a few of the buttons. I pushed a big green one and a cool women’s voice spoke from the machine. "Please power up to begin the process." I figured it was some type of training device so I slowly brought my power out. A little scanner read my power level and numbers ran out across the screen. The voice spoke again. "Power level is 100,000 starting the process." I hadn't even powered up the whole way but I did notice how my power had grown allot.

A mechanic whir sounded behind me and I turned and saw two hatches opening in the corner. Two soldiers walked out and rushed at me. I barely had time to react before I was ducking to avoid a fist. They seemed to move slow...too slow. I turned and placed one hand on his back. In a rush of energy I brought out my ki energy and blasted a small ki blast into his back. The ki entered his body and exploded. As the warrior was torn limb from limb and blood splattered against the walls. Pieces of bone flew every which way. Flesh flew like crazy as the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. My gut lurched at the smell but it also lurched at the punch that connected with it.
I flew back into the wall and when I connected with it a crack started from where I hit the ice. A crack slowly snaked up the wall and the whole section of the ice shattered and fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye I was up in the air flying at the warrior. I brought my fist straight into his forehead and his head collapsed. His body slumped to the ground and I looked around. Both the bodies and all the blood, bone, and flesh disappeared. They where holograms?
The technology here was superb if I ever got the chance I should try and understand it. The door that I had entered through opened and Chaos walked in. He stood tall and walked right to me. "So? Like the little test monkeys did you? Get your thirst for blood going did it? Good..." He ran his fingers through his hair and walked over to the machine that started the process. He hit a few buttons and my power reading came up again.

"So...your power has more then gone 30X higher in one training. That is impressive. You have an ability I will never have. Not like I need it that is." He chuckled to himself and walked over to me and stared me right in the face. He lifted an arm and made a chop for my neck. In a flash I brought up my arm and blocked the move.
My arm slid towards my face but I stopped it before it reached me. I grinned and laughed in my head. Chaos grinned as well and put his hand to his side. "Seems as if you do have some talent. Not as if you are near strong enough to even compare to me." He walked out of the room and as the door shut he shouted back, "Follow me kid it is time for the next phase of your training."
I followed him back through the dome shaped room and into the room where I had started off. I stared around as Chaos walked over to the machine that I had noticed before I left. "C'mon lets strap you up." I walked over and got in the machine Chaos strapped my arms above my head and both my legs separated so I was in a X position. He walked over to a control panel and hit a few buttons. "How much can you take...ahhhh hell with it." He pushed a few more buttons and the machine started to make a clicking sound. "Don't scream now." He grinned at me as the machine started to click faster.

Electricity sparked a few inches from my face and then I realized what was going on. I pulled against the metal hinges that held me to the machine. They wouldn't budge they where made of an unknown alloy. The clicking sound started to become a full booming sound. Electricity sparked up again and stayed there. Then in a burst of pain my whole body felt the surge of electricity filled my body. I let out a terribly low scream. My hair stood on end as the whole room went out of focus.
My pupils disappears as the searing pain pounded into every inch of my body. My tail seized up and cramped. I couldn't feel it through the rest of the pain I was going through. I powered up trying to deflect the electricity away from me. It contracted closer when I attempted this and the power increased. My whole body went numb and the surge seemed to slow. The power was still moving just as fast though. Was my body actually growing used to it? The thought was pushed aside from another strong burst of electricity.
I yelled again and tried to fight the pain...tried to keep it out. It dug deeper and started to make the friction between it and my skin make smoke out of thin air. My blood was boiling as it pounded into my ears. I could hear every part of my body start to crackle from the energy. I inhaled sharply as my lungs filled with pain as well as air. My whole body started shaking as the pain lessened.
My pupils returned and I couldn't take much more of this. I let out a scream of rage and anger as my pain pushed my power beyond its normal limits. The pain stopped and my body adapted to the electricity. My pupils phased out again and came in as a brilliant green color.
My hair flashed golden and an aura burst in also golden. The machine started to rip itself in half and in a burst of energy it flew in two different directions. The pain was already stopped when the machine flew apart. I floated in the air breathing hard as my power reached its peak. I fell slowly to the ground and released my power. The whole room filled with sound as my aura disappeared and I laid on the ground my body relaxing from the pain being gone. Chaos clapped but remained standing where he was.

"Very good...not only are you now a Super Saiyan but you are also immune to electricity. Took you 8 hours in there to get used to it I bet but you pulled it off." He walked over and lifted me off the ground and stood me up. He stared me in the eyes his cold gaze penetrating my mind. "I think it is time for your first mission." He let go and I slumped to the ground. "You have 1 hour to prepare. I don't care what you bring just be ready."
He turned and left the room as I laid there still half aware of what was going on. After about 20 minutes I rose to my feet and weakly walked over to the table. I looked at the gear which was there and lifted my old scouter to my face. I secured it on and left it off for the moment. I rested against the wall for another half an hour and then Chaos came back into the room.
"Are you ready?" I stared up at him and nodded weakly. He dragged me off the ground and walked out of the room and motioned for me to follow. I followed him my golden hair standing out in the hall. We walked through the hall, through the dome room, through another door which led through more halls. We came to a large room that was covered in a weird purple alloy. I stared around and noticed that there was a spaceship sitting right in the middle of it.
As I stared around the room Chaos walked up to the ship and up the ramp. I noticed and ran to catch up. I ran up the ramp and saw that it was a Class-D cruiser. It was outdated sure but it had strong weaponry on it. I walked to a door and had to manually open it. I stepped into the cockpit and stared around. There where many lights that where set up throughout the room. I sat in the seat next to Chaos as he started to punch in coordinates.
I sat back and stared at the ceiling. It was so bland...rather plain. After a minute of studying the cracks in the ceiling the ship gave a lurch. I stare out the main window and the ship rotated in mid air and aimed out into open space. I sat back and let Chaos do the work. The ship blasted off into space and headed to a place I did not know of. "So, what are we planning on doing?" I asked with concern. "Toughening up your nerves kid." The ship blasted off on auto-pilot and Chaos stood up. He went to one of the beds and sat on it. "We will be at out destination in 3 weeks. You better rest up." I got up and walked to the bed on the other side of the cabin. "Alrighty then..." I silently wondered what was going to happen. I sat down on the bed and laid down. I rested and drifted off to sleep. Little did I know what I would find that this little mission was going to run into. I slept as the spaceship traveled through space. I woke up in that strange room again. I looked around and saw many figures standing around me muttering. They looked at me and stopped. One of the bigger creatures walked up to me. "We where just talking about you Voght. You see we are deciding wether to kill you or let you live." They all started laughing a horrible high pitched laugh. "You do realize that you did something VERY wrong." I blinked slowly and stared from face to face. "What did I do!?" They laughed again as if I was stupid. "You are a stupid kid." A voice chipped in from behind. I rolled over in my sleep becoming restless. Not knowing this would be my biggest mistake. I awoke some time later in the darkness. I saw Chaos sitting up listening in his bed. I started to speak but he raised a hand to silence me. I heard a clanging from the back of the ship. I walked silently over to Chaos. "What was that?" He hushed my silently and then in a cold whisper he said. "That...was company. They are hungry..." We bboth stood silently and walked towards the back of the ship. Whatever the hell was back there it was going to put up a fight. Well...what they probably didn't know was where we.