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CLASS OF 1999!!

Hello all! So, I hate websites like classmates and because they make you pay for all the really good information. Just think of this site as a FREE virtual class of 99 reunion. E-mail me your bio info, pictures of yourself as you appear now, tidbits you think other people would enjoy, shoutouts, etc. I will post it all (well, most of it anyway :-).

Pass this site along to other classmates and have them e-mail me as well. Hopefully, we can track our whole class. Sound fun... thought so!

Email me your picture and info at . Please send your pictures in jpeg (If you don't know what jpeg is, just email me and ask!). I hope that everyone is well and I hear from all of you soon! -JoAnn

P.S. The website will get better, I promise :-)

News and Announcements Classmate Bios Teachers