Round 1 Match 1: TITS vs Gary Gorilla!

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BREASTS! They are Breasts. Gary Gorilla? Well, he's a Gorilla in a Batman suit. This missing link has evolved into a state of human-like sentience and intelligence. After being the butt of one too many jokes, he tried starting a Union with the monkeys that starred in Congo, Most Valuable Primate, and Dunston Checks In. His attempts were thwarted by Gilbert Goddfried though. Now he's a superhero, and he forgoes batarangs in lieu of Bananas. Wildly stereotypical or downright species-ist? You decide.

Who Would Win In A Fight?
Gary Gorilla
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Round 1 Match 2: Morgan Freeman vs Shaq!

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If you don't know who Morgan Freeman or Shaq are, even after seeing them, you should probably just Google it and/or just give up at life.

Who Would Win In A Fight?
Morgan Freeman
Shaquille O'Neal
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Round 1 Match 3: The Suns Gorilla vs Vince McMahon!

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If you don't know who Morgan Freeman or Shaq are, even after seeing them, you should probably just Google it and/or just give up at life.