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Welcome to my home on the web! I'll be adding episode guides in the next several weeks, along with photos, links, original poetry, and what I'm sure all of you really came for. Fan fiction. For the moment all you have to look at is this lovely background, I apoligize but will be remeding that soon.

A New view of the world. Now before I tell you more about what you will see on this page later I'll tell you a little about myself. I've been writing since 5th grade, and have been focusing mainly on fanfiction for the last several years. I'm a 19 year old college student, who lives somewhere in small town USA. Alright enough about me, and onto what you really came for (although for those of you who are really curious I'll be posting a more indepth biographical page later).

Now for the list of things that you will be seeing in the near future on this page.

  1. Quotation pages.
  2. Never published original poetry and fiction.
  3. Updates on all unfinished fanfiction storys previously posted on

For those of you who stumbled across this page by mere chance, the fiction that will be most prevelant will be Dark Angel based. Older fiction realated to Xena, Lois and Clark, and Jem will also be added. Plot over views of each series mentioned will be provided in the near future.

Latest Update: July 18, 2002-Links added to the links page. July 11, 2002- Feedback form added to advertising page. Click here. July 9, 2002-Updates made to the Fanfiction page. A plot explanation of Dark Angel, and four chapters of Fractured Fairy Tales have been added. The beginnings of a new Dark Angel site utilizing frames may be seen here.

Fan fiction Quotes Poetry About Me Links Advertising

Max and Logan: Dark Angel's Hot Couple

Dark Angel:Max and Logan Fanfiction Poetry Quotations Advertising Links About Me

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